Let me start with this picture- the perfect start to my Friday.
so cute!
Nana (aka Mom) and Granddad, PapPap, Mommy'sDaddy (aka Dad) came into town this weekend. We have been waiting weeks for this and they finally arrived Friday night!
On the way to the airport!
Matt had taken Friday off from work so I got to go to the gym for the first time since February- what a wonderful feeling! I felt like I got a little bit of myself back with that outing! We pretty much spent the rest of the day waiting to go to the airport- and tried to make the day go by quickly by running a few errands and doing random things! Christopher also got to meet our old neighbor Barbara. I sure do wish she was still next door- she had so much baby knowledge and Christopher was so good while she held him!
Christopher couldn't wait to eat- so he got fed in the parking lot of the Cherokee Tag Office before lunch at J Christopher's (which has really yummy chicken salad by the way!).
After visiting Barbara we laid on the floor with some toys- and ended up getting really sleepy.
I read Christopher a book and he passed out until it was time to go the airport.
I think easily my favorite part of the weekend was Saturday morning. We all woke up and went to Swift Cantrell. Unfortunately Anthony did something to his back so he didn't get to go but the rest of the family went. It was so fun. We walked two miles. Dad and mom had never been there before so it was nice to show them someplace new (and someplace they could enjoy in their retirement- ha!) Afterwards, the men went to Home Depot for Matt's weekend project of staining the deck and mom and I went to Michael's for our weekend project (which I will post after it is delivered) and then to the GYM for my first training session back with Eddie! We aren't doing weight training yet- I need to do major cardio first so we did HIIT (high intensity interval training) and I think I did quite well for my first time back. I will say I do not think he took it easy on me at all! :) But Eddie being Eddie of course texted me the next day to make sure I was okay! I am so lucky to have such a great trainer (and friend)!

Post-workout: shiny face and sweaty hair. yikes.
me and Eddie
Matt and I were supposed to go out for date night on Saturday night- but it ended up being all of us. It is more fun when we are all together anyway. We went out for a quick bite to eat at Parkside and Christopher slept the whole time.
Nana bought him shoes. Dad says companies only make shoes for babies because some stupid grandma is going to spend $10 just because they look cute on their grandkid- not for any purpose. Point proven.
Christopher also made it to church on Sunday morning. I wanted to take him when we had extra reinforcements there. He slept the whole time-right before communion he started getting squirmy so we took him out into the Narthex. Now I definitely think he could have made it had we just ridden it out. He was 15 minutes past his normal eating time so we were a little on edge waiting for the big wail.
Nana bought Christopher the coolest thing from Hallmark. They came out with these stuffed animals- only 6 actually- and the stuffed animals have 3 books. You read the book and when you say certain lines, the stuffed animal adds more to the story (like a line or two). It is adorable. We got really lucky that the bear is named Christopher, since the others are like Bigsby and Jingle and other uncommon names. (They do have a Cooper and Abigail.) We read Christopher Goes to Sleep. Mom is going to get Christopher the rest of the books for him- one about spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's and the other is a Bedtime Story.
Reading Christopher his story.
Have I ever mentioned how I hate pacifiers?
Christopher has hit his second growth spurt- why do these seem to happen when my mom and dad leave me? I am already emotional enough when that happens but then throw in a hungry little man every 2 hours- oh boy. We have lunch plans with my work buds Tuesday and Wednesday- I hope he cooperates! Nana and Pap left this evening- in fact on their latest flight ever. They would normally leave in the afternoon, but now that Christopher is here they took the latest flight possible. They don't even get into Norfolk until 11! What wonderful grandparents Christopher has... in fact, Mommy'sDaddy even slipped him a $20 before he left. Thankfully Christopher is still young enough that I can take the money they gave him! (just kidding mom and dad. I will buy him a piggy bank or put in his bank account.)
And that is it for our wonderful weekend. I guess I will start the next countdown until my parents come back... June 27th... 30 days. Here we go. Thank god for FaceTime!
Until our next big adventure... :)
Have a wonderful night!