So here are some things (about Caleb) not to forget...
1. I will probably need this reminder next year this time (or sometime soon) when Caleb becomes a threenager- he has to be the sweetest little munchkin ever. I don't think he has been in timeout more than MAYBE three times and it's not because I am a pushover, it's because he is. "Caleb, stop doing that...." He looks... does it once more.. "Caleb..." "Okay, mommy (insert sweet, sweet grin)" Done. Or my favorite- when you speak all stern to him and he puts his head down, quivering lip and you see those eyes peer up all teary. Now they aren't huge Christopher eyes, but they look hurt and you can just tell how hurt his feelings are that you are disappointed and that he might (gasp) be in trouble.
2. A couple weeks ago lunch was served at the little table complete with an iPad and YouTube Kids. The boys- ecstatic, the parents- feet up on the couch. Then out of nowhere I look up and Caleb is staring at Christopher and in his little voice... "Hey brother..." This is what Caleb does all day long. (I have to wonder if he does it to his teachers too.) Whether Caleb is playing or eating or just laying around, randomly you will hear "Hey mommy" or "Hey (basically whoever is there)." Maybe one day one of you readers will be lucky enough to hear your name. :)
3. Cay-Cay. One day he might be too old for me to call him that, but for now- I love it. And so does he. I especially love that at the end of a video his school posted- his teacher called him that too. Probably why he likes her so much.
4. His love for Thomas the Train- I thought all boys were in love with trains.... but of course Christopher proved me wrong with that one, but Caleb- oh no. He could play trains allllll day. At the end of the night he lays in bed and names all of the Thomas trains on the track in his room. If you heard him say Clarabel you would melt too.
Okay- just a few pics to remember too!
Okay... I am sure there is lots more to write. I hope I take the time to do it!
Be kind.
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