Mom and Dad came into town late Thursday night! This is Notre Dame's off weekend of course! Christopher had a "snow day" on Friday and got to stay home with Nana and Granddaddy! He was up at 6 though, ready to get dressed and leave- but when we went downstairs he realized he wasn't going anywhere! He was so excited to see them!
(Not in time order, but a sweet picture of Christopher and Nana.)
As you can read from all of my other blog posts, Nana and Granddaddy spoil ALL of us, so Matt and I decided to treat them to an extra special dinner on Friday night. We picked somewhere we thought mom would like and that there was no way she would ever convince dad to take her to! After all, mom was the one that stayed here for a month and helped out with cooking and cleaning and laundry and taking care of Christopher. If you have ever been to the Melting Pot you know that it is not a quick dinner. At about 7:45 (knowing that Christopher normally is ready for his bedtime bottle) I started getting a
Anthony, mom and Christopher
Most of my Facebook friends have already seen this video- this is the one where he is eating his spoonful of prunes. When we went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, she suggested I start giving him prunes so he goes every day instead of every other day. It was basically the only thing she could think of as to why he was so off that day, so I went with it since he does seem a little happier after he goes. I give him a few spoonfuls with his rice cereal every day.... but normally I mix it. Here it is full on just prunes.
She also suggested that on days I don't give him the prunes mixed in- I add it to a bottle or two... Which leads to today's blog post title.
blowout (2) approx 2010-2012: Pauly D's hair do on Jersey Shore
blowout (3) April 17, 2012- ????: what Christopher has when we eat at restaurants on Chastain Road (please refer to my other blog post- What Can You Do But Laugh?)
pre-blowout (definition 3) I don't know- maybe it was the GA shirt he didn't want to wear?
post-blowout (definition 3) Does he look lighter?
I won't get into any details because you know what happened. Let's just say last time at O'Charley's it was a lot less crowded, but I had to carry him out in my arms. At least this time he was still in his car seat. (And Matt had to help this time!)
A little clip from after the blowout. Please excuse the singing.
And from the week...
We met Matt at Mellow Mushroom Tuesday night for a pizza dinner!
Matt says Christopher looks like a doll in this picture.
Same picture as below- just so must better once Instagrammed!
And of course, one of my Instagram pictures from the week! I LOVE Instagram!!!
We love Radford!
A Whale of a Good Time!
Saturday morning wake up!
Uncle Anthony and Christopher. Christopher was being a wiggle butt so he didn't get held my Anthony for very long!! He wanted to get in his Jumperoo!
And there ya go! We are all just hanging around this morning. Mom is making breakfast. Dad is on the treadmill. Christopher and Matt are playing... and I am typing so I don't have to do it at 9 tonight!
Have a great week!