Before you even start reading, I must prepare you for the length of this blog post. I was going to split it into two posts, but Matt vetoed that. So therefore, you have my blog title. This is going to definitely take some time to read (and look at pictures..tons of pictures)! Enjoy!
When I picked Christopher up from daycare this week, they were playing outside everyday. The weather was just gorgeous here- Fall is finally coming! Ms. Jeanne has the perfect shaded back yard for all the kids to enjoy!
Christopher was playing in the little car thing on Thursday!
I don't normally take my phone in with me to get him but I had to go get it. He just looked so sweet playing! And it also got me thinking... I need some daycare pictures! So when I went in on Friday I asked Ms. Jeanne to take a couple pictures of him throughout the day so my blog followers could see what he does while he is there! Of course she didn't disappoint. Instead of just a couple... I got 10! So here they are!
Oh my goodness- do you not just love that drool hanging off his chin!
This is one of the little girls that is there with him. She is such a cutie!
Smile! I know that he is propped up here but he is doing a great job sitting up now. Sure he may topple over after awhile, but he gets better at it everyday!
This picture makes me want to go get a wagon to wheel him around in!
I love how the door is open- It was just gorgeous on Friday!
See the pumpkin in the background- Their playroom is all decorated for Halloween with streamers and pumpkins all around!
Christopher took 3 naps at daycare on Friday- all the smiling for the camera made him tired! :) It is so nice to know that Christopher loves being there- he just smiles and smiles at Ms. Jeanne and has so much fun while he is there... I mean, how could you not- look at all those fun toys! My friend Carmon's little boy went to Ms. Jeanne's daycare 6 years ago and I told her back then when the day finally came, I would be calling! Thank goodness she had an opening because there was no back up plan! :)
And now on to the weekend- well, to Saturday. Matt and I had a full day planned for today. And if you know me... I HATE making plans, but I went with it for this Saturday. Christopher was apparently excited too because he decided to only sleep in by 30 minutes this morning- thank God I am a morning person!
Love those Notre Dame jammies! I was afraid we were going to have to burn them in the 3rd quarter, but thankfully ND pulled it off.
This was after Christopher and I had been up for an hour- We decided it was time for Matt to wake up as well!
Our plan for the day was.... Pumpkin Patch. Taste of Acworth. Notre Dame game. Yankees game. And we did it all! We decided to not go to a huge pumpkin patch. I am sure Christopher would have loved to look at the animals, the hayride, etc but he wouldn't enjoy it as much as he will next year. Instead we went to a church by my friend Julie's house- she hadn't seen Christopher in awhile so it worked out great! We got a few pumpkins for the porch and some little ones for inside... and some really sweet photos.
Look at the camera, Christopher!
Oh so sweet- this picture got quite a few "likes" on Facebook! :)
I love this picture! I should have known that the stem was going to go into his mouth at some point- and it did. And as I was picking him up he grabbed straw and stuck that in his mouth. What a redneck he is going to be!
After the pumpkin patch we were off to the Taste of Acworth. Wouldn't you know Christopher fell asleep as we are circling trying to find a parking spot. We decided to not take the stroller and instead use the other carrier we have. This one faces in - we were hoping Christopher would snuggle in and continue his nap.
He did! Is that not hilarious?!?! First, I swear, I am so thankful that Stacy gave me this Yankees hat. I use it all the time on him! Second, yes he is sound asleep in there. He slept like a champ, even with all the train whistles and music!
Christopher did wake up in time to see his Uncle Anthony when he came!
I adore this picture! This is Tess, the daughter of my friend Carrie! See the little guy in the background- that's Grayson, my friend Heather's little one. Christopher and Grayson are going to be pool buddies this summer.
We had to leave in time to make it home for the Notre Dame game....
Christopher loves his Uncle Anthony (and his nose).
And that was our Saturday. Christopher is sound asleep (and planning on sleeping til like 8 tomorrow) and Matt and I are watching the Yankees game.
I know you want to see all the picture highlights from the week so here ya go (I warned yall on the length of this!)
Matt is trying to show Christopher how to crawl.
Just some giggles.
I know, we are so stupid, but you can never be too young to start!
And because you read and looked patiently- here is a sneak peek of my little lobster! I can't wait to see him in his whole costume!! :)
I am hoping Matt will wear a chef's hat. :)
And that'si it! Christopher turns 6 months on Wednesday so I will be back then to show you his 6 month picture and his newest stats!