It's been quite awhile! I blame 2 things.
1- My friend, Patricia, for getting me hooked on a new show- Revenge. I have watched Season 1 (all 22 episodes) in a week. If Christopher was sleeping, I was watching. So my blogging time was cut out a little. 2- Back to work, which is why there aren't as many pictures! But seriously, can you imagine if I didn't work? I blogged like almost every other day over break. Y'all might get a little tired of us!
Over break, Christopher discovered that he can stand at the back door and look out the window. He loved it, so now instead of just cat nose marks on the window, there are now streaky, drooly handprints.
We had to take out the part that connect the blinds to the door so in case Christopher fell, he wouldn't get one of them in the eye. He was quite into the screwdriver. If we look closely at Christopher's hand, we can see that his hand is far darker in comparison to Matt's leg. I think that's a good sign!
A late night (7:45) game of Peek-a-Boo!
I feel like Christopher is looking back at Matt like "Dude, are you gonna help me here?" If you push this little contraption he will move his feet to keep up. However, if you don't he just leans over the top and tries to play with it. Quite comical.
Christopher just loves his activity cube. In fact, all but one day this week, we would come home, I would take Chistopher out of his car seat and off he would go to his corner of toys and just play, especially with this thing. He would crawl from side to side. He is so independent. It's crazy. One day he did follow me around the house but I gladly welcomed it since he had ignored me the 2 days before.
We were seriously disappointed with the outcome of the National Championship. At least we can say that during the year that Christopher was born, Notre Dame was undefeated. That deserves some sort of prize don't you think?
But since football is over, we were very excited to hear that hockey is starting. We had two outfits picked out for the Tuesday after- either another Notre Dame outfit or his hockey shirt. It's a shame there are no more Thrashers here. We may have to take a trip to Nashville to show Christopher some hockey. I know he would love it! His cousin Joe sent him a Penguins onesie last hockey season but he doesn't have any for now! We might have to get to ordering!
We went to Mellow Mushroom last night for dinner with Uncle Anthony. I don't know about all you other moms out there but when we go out to eat, entertaining Christopher seems to primarily be my job. I always sit next to him, I hand out the Cheerios, pick up the toys, feed him his food, etc. I decided that it would be Matt's job last night. So I must tell you the story (and pray that Matt doesn't get mad at me for sharing!).
Christopher was quite busy taking in all of his surroundings while we were eating. His head was constantly moving and we were seated next to the door to the patio so people were constantly coming in and out which was keeping him quite amused... and maybe making feeding him a little rough. He was about halfway through with his chicken and apples (his absolute favorite dinner meal)... when somehow the spoon landed on the floor, the dirty patio floor. I told Matt... it's okay. Just use a fork or ask the waitress for a spoon. Which was fine. No big deal. UNTIL instead of putting the dirty spoon on the table... Matt put the spoon back in the food! Oh GROSS. You know the saying.. If you want something done right.... :) I had to take over feeding for a few minutes until Uncle Anthony decided he wanted his turn at feeding him... and if you remember this from the first time he fed Christopher...

You can understand why I was a little hesitant. But alas, it went well. Christopher was comfortably seated between the 2 boys now and I could just relax, enjoy my dinner and watch. :)
I tried to get a good shot. I tried 3 times. Not sure which is the best because each one of them is not paying attention (or looks drugged) in at least one.
This guy was playing music on the patio. We had to turn Christopher's high chair so he could watch. He was amazed. Anthony said he is going to start bringing his guitar again when he comes to visit every weekend. Great! :) I imagine the first time Anthony babysits he will strap Christopher in his high chair and play music for him all night long.
Just a quick video that Anthony took. If you are on Facebook then you may have already seen it when he uploaded it. If not.... enjoy!
I am prohibiting myself from even starting season 2 of my new obsession until at least next weekend so I promise to blog at least once this week. Christopher does turn 9 months on Thursday so I will be sure to put his 9 month picture on!
Have a great week!