I had titled this blog post "A Weekend of Fun!" Monday when I started this blog by uploading all the pictures... but then life took over and here we are Thursday night and finally adding the text!
Kate came this weekend with her boyfriend to hang out with Christopher. She babysat while me and the boys worked out Saturday morning and then she babysat again that night so that Matt and I could go to a wedding!
Kate took a million pictures of them playing! This is just one.
This was the best family shot we got. Christopher was so pumped we were leaving!
I am pretty sure they had LOTS OF FUN together! I did feel really bad though when we got home and Kate said- well there weren't any diapers in the diaper thing so I found one in his closet to put on him. OMG! Worst mom and dad feeling ever! Matt had gone to BJs and got a huge thing of diapers during the day, but things were so crazy before we left that neither one of us filled the caddy. Needless to say, Christopher sleeps in a level 4. He can handle a 3 during the day but at night he needs a 4. She put him in a LEVEL 2! We got him up when we got home to change him and it looked so itty bitty on him, but she must have done a great job because he hadn't peed through it!
Sunday we went to see Eddie for his surprise 60th birthday party! Christopher is wearing his "Little dude, Big muscles" shirt. It's only fitting. :)
Here is Eddie blowing out his candles! How do you keep an almost 11 month old content at an event like this for 2 hours... you walk, and walk, and walk. Christopher was having so much fun walking around holding our hands. He was zooming all over! When we got home we let him play outside with his little dog toy that he can push around. He is getting so good. Today we were practicing walking around with me only holding onto one of his hands. He was definitely more wobbly than he is with holding two hands, but I figured that was the next step to getting him to do it alone. The only deadline Christopher needs to meet is he must be walking by the time the pool opens.... which I am not sure if it will happen or not. He will only be just over 12 months then.
Pushing his doggy! We practiced walking outside a few days this week and plan to work at it again tomorrow- it's gonna be 70 here!
Here he is enjoying the sunshine!
I spent my Sunday morning making meatballs for Christopher to try! He wouldn't eat the store bought ones and he devoured the homemade meatball he had at my mom's.... so I made him 60 meatballs! You can;t just make one! He LOVED it! My little Italian Stallion.
Ms. Jeanne styled Christopher's hair for him! :) I am sure you have noticed that sometimes he can look like he has a mohawk flat on his head because of the way his hair grows in! She brushed it over and put a little spray in it to keep it there! :) I think he likes it.
Just checking out Stroonz. He loves to chase Stroonz around the house and hunt him down if he isn't around.
See what I mean... and Stroonz is ALWAYS around. Right in the middle of everything. I think he secretly likes the attention! Today Christopher leaned over and tried to kiss Stroonz. How do I know this? It was an open mouth slow movement which is what Christopher does when he kisses. Poor Matt though because Christopher won't smooch on him. Christopher loves when Matt and I kiss in front of him- he smiles so big. So we always say... Mommy and daddy kiss... Christopher and mommy kiss... but when we get to Christopher and daddy kiss... he turns away. I guess he is wanting us to say Christopher and Stroonzie kiss..... :)

Terrible picture I know... but I was trying to FaceTime so I had the iPad in my hand when Christopher started doing this! He had his walker in one hand and the dog walker in the other.... pushing them along the carpet into the kitchen. He made it quite far surprisingly! He would have kept going I think if he hadn't run into the cabinets! So there you have a picture.. of a picture!
And lastly..... I was picking out Christopher's clothes for the next day and he crawled over, picked up a book and started flipping. I think all my Reading teacher friends will love this picture.... or this one.
When I went to get Christopher out of his carseat this is what I saw. I know. LOVE.
Okay... 1 more video I forgot about!
This is Anthony playing the guitar for us Saturday morning...
And that's it! Have a great Friday!!!!