We rented a bike with a kids seat on the back of it and Christopher LOVED it. A bike is definitely coming in the near future! They had kids bikes there so Anthony's girlfriend, Sara, put Christopher on it and wheeled him around. He thought it was awesome!
Everyday we would take Christopher out into the water and he would float around and we would jump over waves and sometimes we would get knocked in the head with waves when we weren't paying attention. Christopher also did a lot of running into the water. He would grab someone and say "come run with me!"
Matt and Anthony were his people of choice this day. I love this picture!
He may have been trying to convince Aunt Nancy to run with him here.
Christopher also got his first tattoo. (Hence the blog post title) Not by choice of course. Some of us decided to get a little henna tattoo- no big deal. The girl tells us we have to wait 2 hours before we can wash off the gel. Kinda a big deal when you have a 2 year old. But Matt had Christopher out on the bike so I thought it would be okay..... until Matt comes in to the store and says he almost got hit by a car and has a huge gash on his foot and hands me Christopher, who of course would go to no one else... so he rubbed my gel a little. I wiped it off and thought that was it... until we woke up the next morning and his finger was black. It only lasted 4 days on him but he was very proud of his tattoo and loved to show it off.
Christopher came back from the beach with a great tan... I am almost slightly positive that his feet might be tanner than mine. I can only wonder what the rest of his body would look like if I didn't keep sunscreening him every hour.
So much happened on our trip but I will tell the rest through the pictures! And I am sure there will be another post coming because I haven't upload any videos or gotten together all the pictures!
This rake and solo cup were unbelievable. Busy for hours.
We went to get homemade ice cream pops and chocolate covered bananas the last day. I loved that there was so much to do within walking distance.
Cousin Kate came to visit. We went out for a little bit one night to celebrate her finally being 21!
Photobombed.... thanks Dad.
Cornhole 2014. Matt, me and dad... or white, tan, and tanner.
My little cousin wants to be a cosmetologist and she did my hair EVERY DAY. I got braids, messy buns and she gave me beach waves whenever I wanted!
Our family from West Virginia (and dad).
Lunchtime with Francesca. I love hearing him say her name. It does it pretty well.
Raquel made us pepperoni rolls!! The first batch didn't turn out so hot because the deli left the wrapper on and every time we bit pepperoni we would pull out the plastic wrapper. We took the evidence back and they gave us more and they were awesome. Of course we ate the plastic filled ones too. :) Christopher had them for breakfast the nxt morning. In fact, one morning Christopher had Oreos for breakfast. Everytime he got to do or eat something he normally wouldn't be allowed to do, we said... Happy Vacation! :)
This is probably our only family photo.
Tickle time with Uncle Anthony.
Pool time with daddy in the middle of his pool beer pong game.
The younger adults all went out to dinner one night. We went to a very fancy-pants restaurant and drank martinis and bottles of wine.
Of course Matt ordered the whole freaking fish. Isn't that creepy?
I know it's not the best picture but it's the only one we got!
This was the first morning we were there.
Trying to find the perfect car/plane/bus/truck to run around the store with.
They had reggae music on the square one night. Christopher wouldn't go to the front to dance, which surprised me, but he did dance behind everyone.
If Christopher saw these goggles, they were on his face. He got to the point where he could lift them up to the top of his head and then pull them down when he wanted to use them.
Dunking his head in the bucket. Not sure how this game developed, but he loved it!
Yes, Nana. I know how cute I am!
And that's all I got right now! More pictures and videos to come! :)