I have been trying to put more on Facebook so that people feel somewhat let into our lives.
Here's what's been going on....
We have a HUGE baseball lover. Christopher had the best time playing this season. We have his end of the season party today where he will get his first official trophy. There were games when Christopher didn't have to use the tee to get on base and I would tell him how proud I was because he didn't have to use the tee- and that's all he would talk about. We had to make sure he knew that even if he did use the tee, we would still be proud. :) When games were cancelled, there were lots of tears, but thankfully all of those games were made up - 4 in the last week. That was a lot of laundry washing- C had 3 pair of baseball pants- but one favorite pair that made him look like "a real baseball player" so of course he wanted them for every game. He loved playing first base because he got to touch the ball every time there was a hit. At the beginning of the season, there were some angry faces about not getting to get the ball, but by the end I think he learned about whomever is closest to the ball, gets the ball. He learned that while his teammates are batting he has to sit on the bench and watch and he learned that baseball players stay in ready position while in the field. Matt and I were teaching him about stepping into the ball- and I was so worried that was too much, but now when we play- he does it! We are most pleased with the progress he has made! He asked us what sport was next and then suggested football. We quickly shot that down. Fall baseball will start soon enough!
Christopher also has a sick obsession with jeans at the moment. The morning we left for the beach for Spring Break, he asked to wear them in the car instead of sweats- and I agreed- and since then, it's all he wants to wear. There's a lot of wheeling and dealing when picking out outfits. He also doesn't seem to want to wear tank tops- which is what we mostly bought him for this summers clothes- so that has been interesting. More dealing going on.
Caleb has been sick for like the last month straight. I had just said to someone "Our kids are never sick..." and then BAM. The bug, a cold, congestion in the lungs into RSV, the bug again... and some random throwing up. Every time I would think he was better, something else would happen. He is such a little trooper though. Right now he is sitting next to me, gumming his Cheerios like an old man. :)
Waffles with ice cream and sprinkles. Who wouldn't want that for dinner?!?!
On the way to Florida!
Brotherly love (fake), beach bum baby, eating a real coconut, and a cheese sandwich for breakfast.
Beach fun!
Getting buried at the beach! Of course the family we met down there lives about 5 miles from us at home.
Playing hide and seek at the beach!
Morning game of hockey on the table.
Sucking on his thumb and his burp cloth.
Christopher had bunk beds- and a TV in his room. He loved getting in and watching Everyone's Hero.
Hangout on mommy and daddy's bed.
beach digger.
This was Caleb's face while Christopher was screaming about "being there" and wanting out of the car. Needless to say we are flying to WV this summer instead of making the 12 hour drive.
Last year he learned to pee in bottles-this year was drinking out of a milk jug.
Building some stuff on the way down.
Nana bought him a 6 pack of Oreos. He didn't share.
Bottle break for Caleb!
My running buddy!
He likes to jump off the Bosu.
Working out with me and Eddie.
One foot on, one foot off. He knows how to wait for the batter to hit.
Not a big birthday party this year- just a little party in the backyard with his best buds.
Ice cream cake on the floor for his birthday. He is so odd.
First day of sports camp! Team Yankees!
Notre Dame football pants- yankees shirt and hat.
Those pants are another part of his obsession. He now has a football drawer- complete with these pants and his ND and WVU jerseys.
His baby- Caroline. Mom thought him carrying a dinosaur wrapped in a blanket was sad... Matt and I did not agree.
Showing Austin his baby.
Brunch- he picked me flowers.
Tiger hunting with Granddaddy.
The first morning of his sickness. Still happy.
Playing around.
Hanging with mommy in bed!
Christopher and I are growing butterflies! Two actually came out yesterday! I got to watch one come out- hopefully we will be home when the other three do!
I told Christopher he could go in and see Caleb when he woke up... didn't expect to see this!
It was a cold day for baseball!
Getting ready to bat!
He is also into golf. He actually has a pretty great swing.
Family pic on the last day of baseball!
Lunch on the porch.
Mother's Day pepper.
Our walk to the pond- We were watching the turtle in the background swim.
Caleb went with us.
Helping Nana clean his old playhouse- He picked out red, white and blue for the new colors. Nana is painting it for him.
Daddy's home!!
Shipped off to spend the night at Granddaddy's.
Popsicles and hockey on the porch.
Making peanut butter crackers for our snack.
Showing off what he bought at Toys R Us with his birthday money! :)
And that's it. Short and sweet, but hopefully you feel a little more caught up in our lives! :)
C's last day at Ms. Jeanne's is next Friday- I am sure that will be a post with lots of pictures and sad faces!
Off to get these munchkins ready for church.
Be kind! :) (Our new saying is... It's nice to be cute, but it's nicer to be ... and Christopher says nice). I'm not sure if it's working because he can still be a jerk. :) Oh well. We try. Caleb will be nicer. :)