This question gets asked at my house every day after every feeding. It is so hard to tell the difference between a burp and just some random baby noise. I find myself sometimes calling to Matt- "Was that a burp?" and Matt will be in the other room. I don't know why I ask when he can't even hear what is going on. The lactation specialist said he isn't going to burp very much anyway since not a lot of air gets in there... but I always feel the pressure to find out if it was a burp or not. Last night, Christopher and I were laying in bed with Matt after a feeding and Matt was holding him. He didn't just burp in Matt's face- he belched. We both felt so proud because we didn't have to ask "Was that a burp?" ... and thankfully it didn't stink.
Every day Christopher, mom and I have some kind of outing- not an all day thing, just a little "get out of the house for a bit" outing. Monday we went to Publix. Here he is hanging onto the shopping cart.
Thrilled I know. My favorite old man
wasn't working though, so he didn't get to meet him.
I am not too sure what he thought of Publix as he slept the whole time....but when we got home from Publix Christopher had a very special visitor... Suga and her daughter Claire! Claire was so sweet and just kept saying "he's so small!" She held him almost the whole time she was here and was very sweet with him. Now we just need her to get her babysitting license and all registered for CPR and all that jazz. She will make the perfect mother's helper for the summer!
Claire and Christopher
Tuesday we had 2 adventures... Target and somewhere way more important- the doctor!!! Christopher gained 4 oz in 4 days and is almost back to his birth weight... oh and he gained an inch. His poor little feet are all the way to the bottom of his newborn outfits now! I guess (and hope) that he got Matt's height! I must say I really like Kennesaw Pediatrics.
Target buggies suck. I felt like Christopher was very secure in his baby seat at Publix... It latched on perfectly and the bottom of the seat sat nicely on the handle. Not so much at Target. The front was 2 inches higher than the handle because the back part was so high. They have carts that have actual seats on them where you just put them right, but that's like sleeping in someone else's bed without it being washed. GROSS. I found myself throwing all sorts of stuff for Christopher into the buggy. Normally I look at the prices of items, but I didn't even find myself doing that! Whatever Christopher wants.... Christopher gets.. (for now.) Thankfully when we got to the cash register mom pulled out her wallet. Aren't parents great?!?!?!
You know at Target we had to stop into Starbucks and see our favorite barista-

Bibi and Christopher
(Bibi is one of my former parents)
After Christopher's exciting day, we came home to relax and then Ms. Caryn came over. I was really excited for Caryn to come over because she had been telling me all about this quilt that she was having made for Christopher and I REALLY wanted to see it! It is the CUTEST thing in the world. I absolutely love the little elephants. We are doing tummy time tonight and the quilt is going to be just perfect for it!
Christopher also got to meet his future in-laws last night. We had the Waidlers over for dinner because they hadn't seen little mister yet!! :) Matt and I tried to tell them all about our experience so that they would feel extra prepared when they go in... not sure if we helped or not but we tried! :)
Lisa and Christopher
(the one of Michael and Christopher is on Matt's phone)
And that leaves us with our exciting adventures of today... which started with a BATH! Christopher just loves baths... NOT. He really does hate being naked. Luckily, he had the sweetest nursery wrap to get into when he was done. Thanks Doug and Marci!!! :) :)
I promised Matt that I would bring Christopher to Apex today... so off we went. Matt picked out this cute little duck outift for him to wear. I got him dressed and then he peed in it right before we left. Fabulous. I think he looked super cute in his Daddy's MVP football outfit though so it was fine. Christopher was such a good car rider down there- he just slept the whole time. When we got there the girls (and Nick) just swarmed to him... as will probably happen most of his life! :) Matt was so cute showing him off in his office. He is such a proud dad. We had lunch at Chili's and Anthony came to meet us there. I don't think Christopher made one sound the whole time we were there.. he was either staring at everything with his big blue eyes and sleeping.
at Chili's
2 firsts for us... I had to nurse him in the parking lot of Matt's work. Weird. but we did it.. (covered of course)... because I wanted to stop at Hobby Lobby on the way home and he was hungry and I felt guilty giving him a whole bottle of formula. and THEN I had to change him in my car. double weird. Thank god for Pee Pee Tee Pees. I kept saying "please don't pee in mommy's car, please don't pee in mommy's car."
And now we are sitting on the back porch- I am blogging and Christopher and Nana Ginger are relaxing in a chair. He is quite the hugger.
"Is Ernie ever going to let us move here?"
(That's what she is thinking!)
And now the rest of the random photos I have taken!!!
Just finished eating!
My favorite face.
About 10 minutes after this pic, he flicked his Nana off twice!!
That's all for today!!!
Have a blessed day!! :) :)