Saturday, April 28, 2012


I got to drive today!!!! It felt so good to drive my car. I have missed it! I drove to Woodstock Furniture which is only like 3 miles from the house.. but at least I know that I can drive without pain while braking, which is what they told me to look for. I have to take Christopher to the doctor on Monday, so I wanted to get out there and drive before doing it with him in the car. I was wanting to get another glider for the living room, but WF didn't have what I was looking for. :( 

Anthony came up to visit us last night.  Christopher was certainly wide eyed as he stared at him.

me and Christopher- He loves being held over the shoulder like this.

Little man again.

Mom and Christopher- we let her hold him as much as possible the past couple of days.

Christopher with his Nana before she left.

Before my mom left, we did start a Pinterest project. I am not quite finished, but here is what I have so far.

The "lost socks" part is actually a green color but it didn't come out too good in the picture.  I need to send Matt to the store to get clothespins so I can decorate them and put them on. We have already lost some of Christopher's little socks- that's what prompted this project.

I also made something else, but it's a secret. :) 

Mom left this afternoon so I am feeling kind of down. While it helps to have friends where you live, nothing is as good as your mom and dad. I am always amazed at people who actually have their parents around and don't spend time with them.  I certainly would.

Time to sit on the rockers on the porch and enjoy some Matt and Christopher time. :)
Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. I love Christopher's eyes! Your mom looks so happy! I am sure she will be back before you know it. :)
