Friday, December 28, 2012

Time to Relax

Everyone is finally gone. I always feel so depressed when Christmas is over. The hustle and bustle is over and now it is just time to sit around and relax, which I guess isn't really such a bad thing. It's like going from 60 to 0 in a few seconds and I like gradual change.

Christopher had so much fun over the past week with all of the visitors we had and all of the visiting he did. i snapped shots of most things that we did- but my mom got a lot of great pictures on her camera.... but did I remember to upload them to my computer before she left today... nope! So Matt is currently taking pictures of pictures so that I can share them with you!!***5 minutes later.... Here they are!

Focus on his eyes... not the drool covered shirt!

Loving on his bat! (which by the way, if you dare try to take it from him, he screams)


This was like the 4th picture I took of the three of them. This was right after Christopher whacked Nana with the bat. He looks so proud of himself (and I am thinking Granddaddy is proud too!)

Waving bye bye to Big Daddy!

Being a ham one morning!

We went and had lunch at Zucca down in Smyrna this afternoon to meet up with Uncle Anthony...
awwww. I know. so sweet.

We switched up his schedule a little bit tonight and bathed him right after dinner. He has been a MONSTER getting dressed for the night- not in a bad way- just crazy squirmy and super tired- so we swapped playtime and bathtime around a little. He got to play in the tub longer and while he was waaaaayyyyyy squirmier (if that's possible) than normal, at least he wasn't fussy. Here are a few shots I got of him playing with his toy from Uncle Anthony.
A dog toy from him is only fitting.
PS - Rocco gets a little spooked by this thing.

HAPPY BABY! Matt made him laugh soooo much today. It was adorable. **I guess is SOMEONE had answered her FaceTime tonight she would have heard the cuteness. **

Here are the rest of the random pictures I have taken over the past couple of days:

We tried pears in this thing last night- Christopher loved it. We also tried an apple but it didn't work out so well. The pear was great because he wasn't nearly as messy as he normally is after a banana!

Reading his book- Christopher really does love being read to!

Not exactly how you are supposed to use it.... but somewhat I guess.

Uncle Anthony had FaceTimed us so dad put the iPad on the ground and Christopher came crawling!

Saving some Cheerio for later!

When should babies start wearing shoes? I mean in my opinion shoes serve a purpose- to protect your feet when you are walking. The little old lady at Home Depot made me feel like a rotten mom because I didn't have shoes on Christopher the other day.... so you can surely bet that little boy hasn't gone anywhere without shoes on since then! Now I am on a quest to find him some cute kicks- and I want to do this without going to the mall. :) All Carter's had were flimsy ones that wouldn't really give him any support. We did get him a cute pair at Target that you may have seen him wearing in other pictures.

Alrighty! That's it for now! Have a great weekend!!! :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the face and wide happy eyes! As for shoes, I have heard many things. Some say they shouldn't wear them until they are actually walking, others say whenever you want to put them on the baby. I put cute slippers on Emerson most of the time, but since it is so cold I put shoes on her sometimes, too. Who knows what is right! I think everyone has an opinion and I have learned strangers have NO problem sharing their opinions in public.
