Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Poor Baby...

I think this picture pretty well sums up what this post is going to be about! It has been almost 12 months and Christopher has not been sick once. He has had the occassional runny nose, not lasting more than a week and all but one of those were accompanied by teeth. I took him to the doctor yesterday after he cried the whole way home from Matt's work because he has his first ear infection! This certainly explains Mr. Grumpybutt though from Monday! The doctor seemed none too concerned- well he does have a litlte fluid in there... So we got our meds and this is what he did when we got home. Not for long because you know he can't sit still for longer than 5 seconds, but long enough for me to snag this cute pic! I actually thought he was in good spirits when we got home. He carried on a huge conversation with our PestBan guy about ants!

This is before we went out to lunch! Twirling in daddy's chair- hopefully Christopher put a magic "good luck-get a lot of starts" potion on daddy's chair!

One of Christopher's "birthday" presents was this painting for his bathroom! It looks so cute. I may not have hung it perfectly... so that picture will have to wait. Mom is coming this weekend and it seems like a job for her! I have one thing left to do in there... but that involves going to Ikea. Bleh. I hate driving downtown. Have you seen the pins where you take the spice racks from Ikea and turn them into bookshelves? I want to do that on the wall right next to the toilet. Just a couple for some leisurely reading.... :)

First off- I know you love my pants! I think my dad bought them.... 1975? Does that sound right? They used to be navy blue... they are purple now and are my favorite pajama pants! This was right before Christopher's morning nap. A glorious 2 hour nap and had there not been 3 huge bees flying around out back I may have been able to get more than an hour of sun today!!

We invited over Heather and Grayson for a little playdate today. It took Christopher awhile to warm up as it always does but after a bit they played... or just wanted the toy the other one had. I guess at this age that is playing?

And here we are NOW. Well, almost 2 hours ago. Christopher played, cried, laughed, etc for 25 minutes... and all I wanted him to do was TO GO TO SLEEP! Mommy was tired. And the moment he goes down- BAM. Maybe I should write the blog. Maybe I should do some summer shopping. Maybe I should make the rice for dinner. Maybe I should do some banking. REALLY? But here we are... and I have done all of the above... except nap.

I have figured out how to upload Anthony's video as well! Here is he jumping from plank to plank in mud. When we saw him on Sunday he was all bruised and cut up from this obstacle! Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little guy! Sick kiddos are the worst! You might want to check online for the spice racks before you go all the way downtown. I wanted to do this in Kinley's playroom about a year ago and they didn't carry them :(. We were in the store and the whole nine yards. However, IKEA does bring things in and out so you might want to check. I hope I didn't rain on your parade. If you do find them, let me know! I want them too!!!
