We went to BJs this morning for a little diaper shopping and they have these great spots right up front... marked with these fantastic signs-
Matt did this whole- turn the wheel to park and then back out real quick and I'm all like "What are you doing? Park here!" It was too funny- especially when that was his response. You would think after a year you wouldn't forget! :)
Christopher has been a walking fool since the last time that I posted. I would say he walks about 85% of the time. I got a couple videos of him toddling around. There are some other ones of him just playing around as well.
This video is of Christopher "driving" his truck. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jygia896kv1g1p0/Video%20May%2001%2C%205%2015%2002%20PM.mov
Pushing his truck around. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h61nj2trmms1qs8/Video%20May%2001%2C%205%2017%2030%20PM.mov
Not the best display of his walking! https://www.dropbox.com/s/sfacen1apdr7vwr/Video%20May%2005%2C%2010%2028%2049%20AM.mov
Not exactly a Christopher video- but is in it for a second! It was Rocco's tenth birthday Friday- so we celebrated with a dog food cake! https://www.dropbox.com/s/pqae7pbm8l9bxjs/Rocbirthday.mov
A much better walking video! https://www.dropbox.com/s/lfa77vmjyfqsax1/20130505_193038.mp4
And here are some of the random pictures for the week!
It was gorgeous here at the beginning of the week- shorts and short sleeves for a few days before it cooled down this weekend!
My dinner date! Grilled cheese and veggie sticks. Yummmm!
Reading daddy a book!
Lunch at Miss L's on Saturday! He was such a show off while we were there! They were so impressed with his walking and then his bear crawling... and then his leg kicks. :) It was quite comical!
Brushing our teeth! He let me do it this night. The only way I can still get his teeth brushed is to use the little toothbrush that fits on your finger... but that thing hurts like crazy when he bites!!! Thankfully I got in some good brushing with the real toothbrush last night because Lord knows he wasn't letting me do it tonight!
Playing with Stroonz- aka "Ki" and I think Rocco is now "Co"- Christopher can also bark when you say "What does a doggie say?" and if you sneeze, he says "Ah-choo" - super cute.
And here is our finished deck! They finished it the week that Matt was out of town. If you look closely you can see how the deck part on the left is a darker (dirtier) brown- that is the old deck. It was 10 feet wide with no stairs! Now the deck is 24 feet wide with stairs and a baby gate and a fantastic fence to keep unwanted visitors away!! :)
Have a great week!
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