Just kidding-it wasn't that bad. I wrote about the first day in my last blog post and from the feedback I got, it seems Christopher did pretty well for his first day. The second day was a little rougher because one of Christopher's friends was over for the day. He thought going to the potty for 1 minute was the worst thing on earth because it was taking him away from playing. After lunch, he started to understand sitting on the potty didn't really take that long. He even pooped on the potty- which thankfully didn't terrify him. I have heard of some kids not liking it- but of course Christopher was overjoyed and couldn't wait to "dump it" and say bye! My favorite is I would feel his underwear to see if he was still dry and now when he announces he has to go, he runs yelling "mommy no touch it! no touch it!"
He was on a 3 day streak but that came crashing down last night when I heard "mooooommmmmm!!! ppooooppyyyyy!" and there he was standing with wet pants. And no it really wasn't poopy. He just likes to call peeing and pooping the same thing, so you never know what you are going to get. I was very nervous the first time we went in the car but I kept telling him he had to stay dry and he did! We have ran to Walgreens and to the store as well and he did okay. The only thing that I didn't like was when we went to the pool and he had to go. I thought he would just go in the pool.... but nope, we had to get out and use the potty there. Gross. It was clean but still and he was way to into checking it all out and forgot he had to go.
I think he has done fairly well. He will "hold it" like no other because he doesn't want to leave playing. I have to give him a treat just to sit on the potty- he doesn't care about the after treat for going.
Today he went to daycare for the first time. He has to wear Pull-up there for 2 weeks with no accidents. I can only imagine the fight he may have given being taken from playing to go to the potty...
Just a few pics...
apple monster faces with Nico
We spent the first two days of potty training like this.
(Pretty good form for a pitcher... and notice- it's right handed finally)
I am thinking he had cabin fever. Three days of being inside can make one do crazy things.
We laid and read books one morning for about 30 minutes. It was quite enjoyable... and I got to finish the book I was reading!
Christopher is loving having his new playroom. He spends a lot of time in there. He plays with his trains all day long and they even go to the potty with us... shocker!
Christopher was so excited to see this lamp! When Matt came home from work Christopher was playing in his room and he immediately took Matt to see it. He showed off the bat and ball and then asked when we were going to a ballgame.
When we were coming home from WV, it took 3 hours to get from the airport to our house. Insane traffic. We were one exit away and moving along finally when we got stuck in MORE standstill traffic. To keep us all sane, Christopher and Nana started singing "Take me out to the ballgame..." and since then Christopher has been asking to go to a ballgame. When he saw Matt after the trip for the first time, he looked all sad and said "Daddy, I go ballgame...." So of course we are taking him to a ballgame- 2 in fact. Next weekend we are taking him to see the Rome Braves play and I told Matt we can't not let Christopher see Derek Jeter play baseball so we are off to see the Yankees in September!! :) He is going to look so cute in his Yankees shirt that he got last week. Hopefully he will have his "ballgame fix" for awhile!
and a few videos...
hey hey we're the monkees because every kid should know a good oldie...
And that's it. Have a great weekend!
Be kind.
Good for you all for starting potty training. Started today and am dreading it! Let's hope it goes as well for me as it seems to have for you!