Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Random Christopher Stories

After I get done blogging I always remember stories that I mean to write about! It is so frustrating- I really wish I could sit down and blog each day... or at least write them down on notebook paper so I wouldn't forget them when it came time to blog. Today's post is just going to be a bunch of random stories that make me smile.

1.  I mentioned in my previous post that Christopher used the bathroom as an excuse to get out of the car on the way home from Florida. That wasn't the worst part...it was trying to get him back IN the car seat that was the big deal. So I turned to bribery. We walked over to the huge vending machine (oh did I mention we were at a rest area...) and I told him he could get anything he wanted. I pointed out cookies and Skittles and gummy worms and M & Ms. Christopher just kept looking and finally pointed and said "I want the hot dog." WHAT?!?! What hot dog was what I was thinking and then I see the gross vending machine beef stick pack with the waxy cheese inside. No way. That cannot be what he wants. Oh it is... and if it will get him in the car, he can have it. I love me a good Slim Jim from the store, but out of the vending machine- GROSS. But whatever would get him in the car was what he was going to get. Hot dog it was!

He looks happy right?!

2. While driving over the very high bridge to St. Pete, Christopher starts singing London Bridge is falling down, falling down...

3. Nana was pouring Christopher's Capri Sun into his cup and he started to sing tip me over and pour me out... (He is quite the singer!)

4. Every night we sit in Christopher's bed to read a book and say his prayers and then I am banned from the room. Seriously, I mean banned. As soon as we say Amen Christopher says GO MOMMY. I do get a "love you" out of him as I am leaving the room, but that's only when Matt tells him to respond. The other night when I was in there and Christopher wanted to me to leave, Matt said "You are going to make mommy run away!" and Christopher responded with "Go. Run away." Thankfully, my feelings aren't hurt because up until then he is very loving towards me- he is just ready for his alone time with Matt. They always sing 5 Little Monkeys after I leave and then Matt leaves the room too. I listen in the monitor and I hear- DADDDDDY! SAY LOVE YOU! Matt says love you, C says love you, Matt says love you more and C says love you Jeanne. REALLY?!?! What a nut. Christopher had been saying this a couple times and Matt told me to turn the monitor up and try to figure out what he was saying. Jeanne for sure. I am sure Ms. Jeanne will be happy to know that she is the last thing he thinks about before falling asleep! 

5. I am always amazed at what Christopher remembers. I know that he is getting memories and all but I guess I just assumed it would be more short term memories for now. I know nothing about the brain so I should just shut up about that. Anyway... when we were driving home, we told Christopher we were going to be in the car for a long time and he said "I go airport. I go in airplane." Yes, Christopher we all would rather be in an airplane and home in 1 hour. Then tonight we were watching Doc McStuffins... and they were singing a seat belt song and I asked Christopher When do we have to wear a seat belt? and he said he wore a seat belt when he got on the airplane. I, of course, was expecting the car as an answer, but I guess he doesn't really wear a seat belt in the car- I always say I have to strap you in. It just amazes me how he remembers such a small detail from our trip to WV like putting on a seat belt!

6. When Nana would take Christopher somewhere while we were at the beach, he would say Mommy, I be a good boy... before I even had the chance to remind him. :) 


now batting...  (facebook video repeat!)

Showing off his self portrait this morning. Daddy took it to work to hang up.

Chowing down on some apple. He always knows who to go to for apple.

He was a horrible eater this weekend. It is so hard to understand how someone can not be hungry at breakfast, lunch or dinner time. I took this picture to prove to Matt that he actually ate his dinner last night. Black beans and brown rice... and he loved it. FINALLY. Everyday I ask him what he has for lunch at daycare and he never answers me. Today he finally answered with carrots and mac and cheese. He was close... they had red beans and rice with crackers and carrots, raisins and bananas. :) 

Telling me he was number one! 

Richard took the crazy maniac and Nico outside after dinner.. phew!

Cheesin at daddy's work. Christopher loved being there! We were so lucky it was a snack day lunch on the Friday we were off! 

Literally. Batman. 

I am sure there are so many other sweet stories to share. I'll get a notepad. 
Have a great week!
Be kind. 

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