Thursday, December 25, 2014

The 25 Days of Christopher- Day 25


After Santa came last night, Christopher was jacked up. We put him to bed around 9 and it was at least 9:45 before he settled down and went to sleep. He ended up sleeping til 8 with the rest of us up and waiting for him. Before he went to sleep last night he said, "I am so happy. I am so happy Santa brought me a hockey goal." He woke up today asking if the reindeer ate the food.

Christopher's Christmas morning was filled with lots of Disney, hockey and trains. He was such a great gift opener- whenever you would give him something to open, "oh thank you" would come right out of his mouth.

Uncle Anthony and Sara went with a total hockey theme- full of books, coloring books, hockey figurines, a goalie set.

Christopher has been quite entertained with this!

Getting dressed to guard the net!
Of course, Santa brought Christopher his Big Jessie doll- which he has already brought down Woody and Buzz so she could be with her friends. Lots of Mickey toys were opened, including Firefighter Mickey that Santa brought. Unbeknownst to me... Matt planned a whole trip for us to DISNEY!! We are going in 3 weeks. (Special thanks to Caryn for helping Matt get me time off from work!)Christopher came in wheeling a Dusty (from Planes) suitcase and when we opened it, there were 3 Magic Bands to Disney!!
Christopher also got his big green car that he was asking Santa for.
One of his train toys- this is a bumper train. It goes around on the hardwoods and bumps into things and keeps on going.
He also got a Yankees chair from Nana and Granddaddy.
We are getting ready to go over to their house to open all of their presents to him.
We have a full day planned so I figured I should blog real quick while Matt is getting ready to go. We are heading to Sara and Anthony's for dinner and then back to our house to host dessert for Matt's family!
We hope that everyone had a blessed Christmas!!
(And I made it. 25 days of straight blogging. A hiatus is needed! I know one person that will be happy about that!)
Be kind.

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