Thursday, April 23, 2015

Christopher and Mommy's Day Out

I took the day off today to take Christopher to the dentist, sports camp and the doctor. We had so much fun. I knew he was really enjoying his time with me when I said, "We are going to pick up Nana" and he replied with "But I just want it to be me and you, mommy."

We started the day off with the dentist. I have taken Christopher twice with me previously for my checkups, so he was familiar with the place. I prepped him the whole way there about sitting in the chair, rinsing his mouth out, the tools, etc. He was an ALL-STAR. I could not have been more proud of him. At first she said she wasn't going to use any of the tools other than the mirror, but since he handled the cleaning and all well, she did. He liked placing his lips around Mr. Thirsty and watching the water get sucked in. At the end, he told them "Thank you for cleaning my teeth," jumped down and was ready to roll on to our next stop.

Showing off his teeth. He was so proud of how wide he could open his mouth. He was all good for his checkup. "Daddy brushes my teeth in the morning and at night."  And right smack dab in the middle of the cleaning- "I have to pee." So we did... and came back and he said "I pooped in your toilet."

Using Mr. Thirsty.

We went to sports camp next. I am pretty sure I was more of a distraction. He would run over to me to hug me every now and then. It was cute to watch, but I am pretty sure I couldn't handle it all the time. Every time his eyes weren't on the coach, I wanted to be like "pay attention!" Nana put lemonade in his cup too and he really wanted a water break.. a lot.

Warming up. 

Kicking the ball in the goal.

Trying to get his past the goalie.

He made it! 

Waiting patiently... :)  Is it time for a water break?

We went to the doctor after stopping home for a Goldfish and pee break. Christopher rocked it out there too. :) We headed down to see Daddy at work and Christopher loved it! I am pretty sure he loved all of the attention the girls gave him.  

We have been enjoying so much playtime outside these past couple of days. It has been so nice. Christopher and Austin have been playing with all of their toys. You would think after spending all day with each other, they would be over it. Yesterday we came inside around 7 and Christopher put his head on the table and said... I am so sad. I miss Austin. SERIOUSLY CHILD? You spent all day with him. :) They really do play so nicely together. Got to get in that playtime now because it's getting rainy again.... boo.

Have a great Friday.
Be kind.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Christopher Turns 3

Christopher turned 3 on Friday!! :) We had a party for him at his favorite place.. the playground at Cauble Park. When you plan a party outside, you are really testing God to come through for you. Thankfully, after raining all week, the rain held out on Saturday and we were able to get his party in before the torrential downpours of Sunday. One of our duties before party time was to dry all of the equipment. That was interesting (but I could totally tell the other parents there not for the party were so appreciating our efforts). Ms. Jeanne assumed the role of photographer and she took some 280 pics... but don't worry, I won't put them all on here! :)

This was me and Christopher Friday morning. He was too excited to pose for a picture.. and the timed one Matt wanted to do just wasn't working out for us.

Christopher got a Paw Patrol Tervis! I am so over sippy cups. 

He also got this balance bike. I swear like every toddler at the beach had one of these. I was amazed watching them do it. Mom kept telling me about them, so we got him one. Right now he thinks it's really fun to fall over.

His requested cake with sprinkles. I requested the chocolate on chocolate. 

Climbing to the top with Daddy.

I am not quite sure what he is doing here. At one point, his hand was in the air- I was like- what?!?! Does he know how to raise his hand to get someone's attention because my third graders don't... but then after seeing this picture, I am pretty sure he was telling someone he was 3.

Austin as a lego man.

After party picture. Do we look super tired? I was so beat, but Christopher was jacked up. We came home and put together every toy and played with everything. I am still tired.

Getting ready for us to sing him Happy Birthday!

Three little boys... mischief makers. Matt said we need to give Ms. Jeanne a raise.

 I love this shot. I think it's a framer for sure. I couldn't quite figure out why he was looking so sweet, but then I saw a tiny bit of green- he was looking at Mark, of course. Probably trying to convince him to take him to the playground.

Christopher and his little buddies. I am pretty sure Christopher and Luke just got done with their elbowing match on who was going to say "cheese" for the picture. "no, I say cheese." elbow. "no. me. stop!" elbow. LOL.

I saw this and said "MATT! Mark was there as our guest! You should have been up there with Christopher!"

Posing in his Batman mask! He loves his Batman mask!

And just a couple randoms I hadn't posted before...

Checking out his Easter eggs.

Made his bunny for Easter!

My little shortstop. Christopher started sports camp on Thursday. It got rained out on Tuesday. He absolutely loved it!!! Mom and Dad are taking him since we have to work, but I took off Thursday to take him to the dentist and doctor so I get to watch! I am so excited. 

Have a great week!
Be kind.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Beach Trip!

Well, the long awaited beach trip is over. We had so much fun- beautiful weather, lots of sun and playtime in the sand and the water. Christopher seemed  extremely happy and content playing in the sand and splashing around. I will say that I have never seen him so excited to be at home. When we got home, he ran upstairs and looked into his room- MY BED! I MISSED MY BED! and then he ran into the playroom... MY PLAYROOM. I MISSED MY TOYS! and then he ran into our bedroom... MOMMY, YOUR ROOM! DID YOU MISS YOUR ROOM? Dear God yes I did, but most of all, I missed the door handle locks on the rooms. :) Christopher had his own room and the first night he appeared at the bottom of our bed... and scared the crap out of us. The second night, I asked him "Now what do you do if you wake up in the middle of the night?" (wanting him to say that he would call for one of us from his bed) but instead he said "I am going to go to the beach." So of course, I booby trapped every door to the outside every night. :) Needless to say, despite having the best bed, I did not sleep well and was so glad to have Christopher safe and sound in his room with safety handles when we returned.

Now the trip wasn't all peaches and cream. Christopher only napped twice of the 6 days we were there... and was quite the bear in the evenings. In fact, one night he actually locked himself in his room because he didn't want to go to dinner. They were the type of handles that you needed like a bobby pin to pop open (and I had none) and he couldn't unlock it... because he "locked" himself in the closet in his room. It wasn't technically locked, but it was those folding doors which took him forever to figure out how to get out of it, plus it was pitch black his closet. I banged on the door and yelled OPEN THIS DOOR, CHRISTOPHER and he replied in his sweetest voice- "I can't mommy. I locked in my closet." No, I did not pass out, but dear Lord, I was thinking about how we could get an axe to chop the door down for sure! After dinner, he was punk again and wouldn't get in his carseat... and then he wouldn't get out of his carseat. He was in bed by 7:00 that night. :)

There are really not that many pictures from our trip. I never took my phone down to the beach after the first day and really didn't have it on me much to take pictures. Enjoy the ones I did snap below!

We found a Portuguese Man of War on the beach. Totally thought it was an innocent jelly... Guess not. Mom and Christopher buried him up on the beach. 

Chillaxing on the beach. We would go down around 11 and Christopher would sit in his chair and eat a peanut butter and jelly every day.

He also loved sitting in the sand. Matt would dig him a hole and then Christopher would cover himself up and play. I wasn't a huge fan of this. 

Christopher and I sitting with our feet in the water. Well, his feet didn't quite touch so he had a bucket filled with water that he put his feet in. We sat like this for quite awhile- my little tanning partner.

On our way to Easter mass. 

Getting ready for some serious sun on day one.

Beautiful! Christopher is a little fish. 

Easter party fun at Ms. Jeanne's before we left! 

All ready to rock and roll. We thought for sure Christopher would want to ride with Nana and Matt and I would get to drive down alone... not so much. And the iPad wouldn't work with the movies Matt downloaded... and reception on our phones sucked, but thankfully it was a pretty good trip down. Christopher spent a lot of time playing with his new Lego snowmobile that Nana bought him.

Best family photo we got before mass. I love church in a beach town. The church we went to was GORGEOUS with big glass door that opened right into the church.

Christopher rocking his first 17th Street t-shirt from Va Beach!

I was so over the pictures... Matt wanted Christopher to see the sunset and after dragging us down there 20 minutes early, we were all like "really, Matt??" :)

Totally random and spontaneous hug followed by "I love you, mommy."

Matt rented them a bike for the week! Christopher loved riding in it. 

And some randoms...
Lunch at table at Miss L's.

Preparing for laying out.

Yellow day at daycare!

And last, but not least.. Matt's Facebook announcement about what we are having....

Hope everyone has a great week! Christopher turns 3 on Friday!! And he starts sports camp tomorrow. I told him there is one rule. He said "Keep your eye on the ball?" Well that and listen to the coach. :) 
Be kind.