Now the trip wasn't all peaches and cream. Christopher only napped twice of the 6 days we were there... and was quite the bear in the evenings. In fact, one night he actually locked himself in his room because he didn't want to go to dinner. They were the type of handles that you needed like a bobby pin to pop open (and I had none) and he couldn't unlock it... because he "locked" himself in the closet in his room. It wasn't technically locked, but it was those folding doors which took him forever to figure out how to get out of it, plus it was pitch black his closet. I banged on the door and yelled OPEN THIS DOOR, CHRISTOPHER and he replied in his sweetest voice- "I can't mommy. I locked in my closet." No, I did not pass out, but dear Lord, I was thinking about how we could get an axe to chop the door down for sure! After dinner, he was punk again and wouldn't get in his carseat... and then he wouldn't get out of his carseat. He was in bed by 7:00 that night. :)
There are really not that many pictures from our trip. I never took my phone down to the beach after the first day and really didn't have it on me much to take pictures. Enjoy the ones I did snap below!
We found a Portuguese Man of War on the beach. Totally thought it was an innocent jelly... Guess not. Mom and Christopher buried him up on the beach.
Chillaxing on the beach. We would go down around 11 and Christopher would sit in his chair and eat a peanut butter and jelly every day.
He also loved sitting in the sand. Matt would dig him a hole and then Christopher would cover himself up and play. I wasn't a huge fan of this.
Christopher and I sitting with our feet in the water. Well, his feet didn't quite touch so he had a bucket filled with water that he put his feet in. We sat like this for quite awhile- my little tanning partner.
On our way to Easter mass.
Getting ready for some serious sun on day one.
Beautiful! Christopher is a little fish.
Easter party fun at Ms. Jeanne's before we left!
All ready to rock and roll. We thought for sure Christopher would want to ride with Nana and Matt and I would get to drive down alone... not so much. And the iPad wouldn't work with the movies Matt downloaded... and reception on our phones sucked, but thankfully it was a pretty good trip down. Christopher spent a lot of time playing with his new Lego snowmobile that Nana bought him.
Best family photo we got before mass. I love church in a beach town. The church we went to was GORGEOUS with big glass door that opened right into the church.
Christopher rocking his first 17th Street t-shirt from Va Beach!
I was so over the pictures... Matt wanted Christopher to see the sunset and after dragging us down there 20 minutes early, we were all like "really, Matt??" :)
Totally random and spontaneous hug followed by "I love you, mommy."
Matt rented them a bike for the week! Christopher loved riding in it.
And some randoms...
Lunch at table at Miss L's.
Preparing for laying out.
Yellow day at daycare!
And last, but not least.. Matt's Facebook announcement about what we are having....
Hope everyone has a great week! Christopher turns 3 on Friday!! And he starts sports camp tomorrow. I told him there is one rule. He said "Keep your eye on the ball?" Well that and listen to the coach. :)
Be kind.
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