Him and his little buddies are way into superheroes and well, we know how superheroes jump around and fight and kick.. that's pretty self explanatory as to why whenever we go anywhere, I have to say "Remember you are not a superhero. You do not hit or kick at anything!" And if he doesn't like something, you'll know. First, he will just say "no" or "stop" and if you don't listen, then it's a scream. It's a scream that when I hear other children do the same, I want to tell them to "shut up", so you can imagine how I feel when it is my own child.
But, of course, Christopher has his super sweet moments too, like last night we were all eating dinner and dad couldn't get the onions off the plate and he said "Granddaddy, do you need a hand?" (some figurative language right?) or yesterday when he was looking at a book and it had a picture of a baby on the front and he said "oh this baby is so cute." and I said "do you like babies, Christopher" and he paused sweetly andsaid.... "yeah, I really do love them."
Christopher and Austin at the Memorial Day cookout. Austin was way into squirt guns and Christopher was not so much. Everytime Austin would squirt him, I would hear "the scream" and I would cringe. Finally, I took him inside, told him to stop being such a pansy and suck it up or we were staying insde- which of course he responded with, "I would like to stay inside mommy. Do you wanna watch TV with me?"
Christopher has been sick on and off the last couple of weeks. I think it's because of swim lessons and the pool water/germs at the place, but anyway, this morning of the picture (which happened to be the last day of school for me) he woke up at 4:30 just dry heaving away... and then he laid down on Matt and went to sleep, only for like 5 minutes and then he was up to dry heave again.
Crazy superheroes with their Bomb Pops. Mom got the pleasure of watching these two munchkins for 2 days since daycare was closed!
Christopher finished up sports camp last week! They were Team Octonauts!
And he was a ringbearer last weekend! I was a little worried because he started this whole threenager thing while we were up there in New York. Right before he was "on", he threw the pillow, and of course I had to smile sweetly and say "please don't do that" because he would have started crying if I yelled at him and he never would have made it down the aisle! But he made it, and he rocked it. I didn't get to see him because I was in the back, but the oooohhhs and awwwwwwws let me know that he looked adorable.
Michelle and Christopher.
Eric and Christopher.
Me and C right before his performance.
We got to go to the rehearsal dinner since Christopher was in the wedding. They had all sorts of tapas and Christopher LOVED eating with the chopsticks that were served with the first app. He used them for everything else.
Our first morning in NY.
Drinking his "coffee". I think this was right before it fell and went all over the floor under our table.
On our way to the airport. I calculated this to be 7th airplane round trip, his 13th - 16th flights. I should probably get him a Rewards Card number.
Working out with daddy. Sit ups are hard. We are working on stengthening his abs... probably should be working on letters too....
Donuts ... or just the frosting and sprinkles... for breakfast.
And that's it! There is probably so much more.. but it's been awhile since I have updated and I have forgotten. I hope to not be as long apart next time! :)
Be kind!
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