Christopher story...
The other night Christopher was getting his bath and I noticed him playing with his toes and I could hear him mumbling something. I said "Christopher what are you saying?" He told me to listen....
This little piggy stayed home...
This little piggy went to Wal-Mart...
This little piggy went to my work at Ms. Jeanne's...
This little piggy went to Africa...
And this little piggy went to my home!
Caleb story...
He looks like Matt and he SLEEPS like Matt. Caleb does like being held... a lot. He goes down great at night but he likes to be cuddled during the day. I always remember being so proud because on all of Christopher's questionnaires I could always check the box "goes to bed awake/falls asleep on own" - I am hoping that is true for Caleb! He goes in the crib tonight for the first time. We hope he continues his long stretches in there.
On to the pictures...
Hanging out at the park with Elliot the Superhero (who is completely cancer free now!)
Spending some time with Uncle and Joe
Matt gets a daily pic of Caleb...
He will eventually learn to love the camera like Christopher.
Asleep by 8:30 and slept until 2:30.
Apparently "the craziest dinner" I have ever made. (I found this recipe on Facebook and thought Christopher would love this dinner... it's a hot dog sliced into like a spiral with puff pastry throughout.)
Nana and Christopher planted one of those "helicopters" (maple tree seeds) and have themselves a little tree.
Sleeping outside with Granddaddy.
Christopher after his 1K! So proud of his running!
Finishing the race with the cross country team cheering him on.
At the start of the race! I did not think he would run the whole thing!
Christopher found acorns at dinner the other night. They had made an acorn at preschool the other day so he wanted to collect the to show Ms. Jeanne.
All the boys.
Matt's daily pic.
Love those eyes!
Matt wanted an "all stretched out" picture... Perfect. Do you remember "old faithful"- the pajamas we bought for Christopher in every size they made? Caleb fits into the 3 months ones now.
Practicing our letters with pretzels. See- it's not all playroom and iPad at home! :)
Meeting Uncle and Aunt Sara. Caleb got the Carters hook-up for sure this day! :)
Do I dare document this??? Kate bought Christopher this when she went to FSU- and he finally fits in it! That boy has more college football shirts than anyone.. Notre Dame, FSU, Georgia and has a WVU jersey just waiting to fit him.
Craft night! I have made so much on this maternity leave!
Lisa and the girls came over to meet Caleb.
Caleb has his baptism tomorrow! I will get some pictures and post those later! Have a great weekend.
Be kind.
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