Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Can You Do but Laugh?

I have to start with this picture. I am so excited it is even going to be the thumbnail picture on Facebook! I think you all know what that bag is. Thank god that the smell stays in the bag! What started out as an innocent dinner at Taco Mac turned into something shitty. hehe. I am so thankful that Taco Mac had a wait... and is typically very crowded on Thursdays or we would have been there for dinner. The impatient person that I am told Matt we were not waiting and just to meet us at O'Charley's.  God must have known what was going to happen! Christopher was going to need to be fed during dinner.  We all took turns holding him and feeding him. He was all done eating and Matt handed him back to me so that he could just sit and hang out, which is exactly what he was doing, all happy and talking- then I noticed a smell. I don't typically smell anything when Christopher goes #2 so I figured it was massive. The reason I smelled it was because it was all over my pants. I don't know what happened because that has never happened before! I think the way he was sitting must have done something! I had lifted him up just a little to see what was happening and calmly set him back down.  "He shit on me." I am pretty sure that's what I said before I started to laugh so hard I couldn't talk. Mom jumps out of her seat and races over to take Christopher, Dad was expressionless (I think it was the shock), and Matt just continued eating. I am so grateful we were sitting near the exit.  Mom took Christopher out and I had to scurry out of the restaurant with poop all over my pants and shirt. It was hilarious!!! I mean, really what else can you do but laugh?

I don't know how Christopher ended up like this, but he was pretty comfy! This picture is after Christopher and mom and dad came up to work to help me with my room. I hate redoing my year every year. It is such a pain.

Mr. Happy in his Snug a Bunny seat. He loves to sit on the island and have conversations.

We met Matt for lunch at Doc Greens- which we totally need one up here in Acworth! Then we had to go work clothes shopping at Jos A. Bank. I wish they had baby suits there. It would have been more fun.

Christopher loves his exersaucer.  He screams at the toys when he sees them.  It is so funny to watch him discover the new ones and squeal with joy! He has actually even been turning the seat around and grabbing at the toys.

Twins? Anthony wanted to make his eyes as big as Christopher's!

Mom and Mr. Nike Model.

Last summer lunch with Matt. I certainly won't miss driving on 285, but I will miss the yummy lunches and family time!  

All of Christopher's new books from Barnes and Noble!

We have family coming into town this weekend... Cousin Kate is returning and bringing the rest of her family (minus Kyle but plus Christopher's Great Grandfather). I know Aunt Nancy and Rachel can't wait to hold him!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to Work

Well, I went back to work today.  Thankfully, it is only for 3 days and then I have 10 more days off, but still- I went to work and left Christopher all day.  My mom and dad are here to watch Christopher while I am working. (This picture is from when we were waiting for them to get here- hence the grandma shirt.)  I think I handled going back pretty well! I will say the one thing I missed today though was watching him wake up.  He is so much fun listening to on the monitor as he talks to himself and then when he sees you standing over the crib, he just smiles and talks. It is so sweet. That will be one thing I will definitely look forward to on the weekends!

hehe- Christopher certainly likes to suck... on ANYTHING! Here he is trying to suck on the collar of his outfit.  He is all dolled up because he went to his first birthday party on Saturday! It was Garrick's 6th birthday so of course Christopher had to take him a present.  I can remember when Garrick was this small- which was like yesterday! Matt ended up going to a concert after the party so it was just me and Christopher all night! We had so much fun playing, talking, and watching Grey's Anatomy! :)

We went to brunch on Sunday- totally thought Christopher would fall asleep on the way there, but you can tell by his eyes that it didn't happen! He was good though- and I am becoming a pro at eating one handed! We were surrounded by babies.  The table diagonal had a 2 month old... sound asleep in the carrier... and the table next to us had what appeared to be a newborn... sound asleep in the carrier.  I guess Christopher wanted to be part of the action! The people next to us kept staring at him- I would assume because Christopher was staring over my shoulder looking everywhere with his BIG blue eyes (which by the way are getting to be an even lighter shade of blue- totally thought that they would have become brown by now!).

That's it for now! Off to watch Dance Moms! :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pictures from the Week

This is one of the few pictures that I hadn't uploaded from the beach.  Nana was singing songs in the car and Christopher couldn't take his eyes off of her!

This is one of those interactive books that goes with his Christopher doll- Christopher Spends the Night at Grandma and Grandpa's.  We didn't take the bear with us, but when Nana and Granddaddy come on Monday, she can reread it with Christopher the Bear.

Christopher turned 3 months old on Tuesday!

Matt's friends from VA came down for a concert so they came over to meet Christopher.  Here is Alan with him.

Christopher playing with Jenny and Sean.

Christopher and I were having a fantastic conversation so I snapped a picture while I was doing the talking. :) He certainly does love those 2 fingers!

We had Pinterest Day on Wednesday... These are Lisa's little girls. Aren't they precious??? I love how Kendall is looking at Christopher in this one!

And Stroonz. I guess he thinks if he sits in the car seat maybe he will get to go somewhere!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Beach... Part 2

Christopher's trip to the beach for the day! Mom and Matt went down really early and set everything up... and then it thunderstormed for the next few hours! We did finally make it though.

This was how Christopher spent his time down at the beach.  He only lasted about an hour. It was so dang hot and the tent didn't allow much of a breeze to reach him.  Uncle Anthony rode his bike down to the beach with the seat in his hands! I am sure that was a sight!

Christopher really loved this seat that we borrowed!  We added a toy that we have for the car that has a blinking nose and he sat there A LOT completely occupied.

Uncle Anthony left Friday morning.  Here they are before he left.

Our beach house.  It was perfect for the 5 of us.  Everyone had their own bathroom! :) Christopher even had a crib there, which he obviously loved because he gained an hour of sleep while we were there! Now he sleeps from 10-7 every day... yesterday he went til 8:30.  I do miss moments in the middle of the night though. 

OMG- Such a cutie pie! I love this picture!!! Christopher was about to go back to the beach in this picture.  He looks adorable. His eyes are sooooo big!

My little whale :) Just another beach outfit he had to wear!
See the little boy in yellow- OBSESSED with Christopher! It was so cute! Collin loved looking into Christopher's eyes- in fact, he decided to have a staring contest with him.  Collin said there was no way that he could beat Christopher!
Here ya go Mrs. Neely! This is the picture that I couldn't get to upload from our first post! Mrs. Neely came by when we first got to Virginia Beach. 

I have so many more pictures on my phone from the beach... but it is still driving me crazy and taking forever to upload. 

We are back home now and have been for a couple of days. Monday was a rough day for Christopher.  He was super fussy and really tired.  I was tired too so you can imagine what that day was like! But he is all caught up on sleep now and being super cute baby!

School craft Pinterest Day is today! I made cheesecake stuffed strawberries last night for it- I can't wait to eat them today!! :)

Have a great day!!! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Beach... part 1

There is no way I will have time to blog about Christopher's entire beach trip when we get home, so I am going to do it in parts! He has already had many new experiences and it's only Tuesday!

We left Atlanta Friday evening and started our journey to Charlotte.  Our goal was to get as close to there as possible- we actually ended up going to a town right past Charlotte so goal accomplished!
Heading out of town!

This is how we slept (or didn't sleep) in the hotel.  Christopher slept pretty good, but I would say Matt and I definitely did not! This is our infant travel bed- I wrapped the bottom in a super soft blanket for him to lay on. 

Sound asleep... and about to woken up so that we can get on the road. I just love Christopher in those pajamas... so much that he had 3 months ones, and now he has 6 months, 9 months and 12 months ones as well! We did that with another pair of pjs as well- old faithful as I call them (the baseball ones).

Behind that tree is Christopher's first hotel- Holiday Inn Express.

We finally made it home to Virginia Beach Saturday afternoon around 1:30.  I don't even remember the last time that I was home. Needless to say, mom and dad were thrilled when we got there.  They had gotten so much stuff for Christopher so that I didn't have to lug it all there with us for the beach.  They borrowed a swing, bouncy seat, activity mat, pack and play and bathtub for us to take.  It was great because Christopher had options there and here!

(Mrs. Neely came over to meet Christopher while we were home. I don't know where my phone is to upload that picture though... I will get it on here soon!)

We finally made it to Nags Head around 2:30 on Sunday- Here are dad and Anthony in the pool our first night here.

Here is Christopher with Sharon our first morning! He is wearing his King of the Beach Curious George shirt here.  Between mom and I, Christopher has a beach related outfit for every hour that he is on vacation!

Later that day we went to visit Terry at the Cross beach house- He is wearing a crab shirt, but he was being far from a crab!

Ryan was there as well! They look so comfy together don't they!

It was getting cloudy so Matt walked Christopher down to the beach.  This was the first time Christopher saw the ocean! He was so calm and mesmerized while they were down there... even though really he is calm and mesmerized most of the time. 

Well, those are just some of the pictures that I have taken.  There are plenty more to come!
PS- Christopher slept from 9:45-7:30 today.  WOW! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Little Sleeper.

Last week Christopher was sleeping from 10-5 and then waking at 8:30.  However, over the weekend it was manic. He was waking up at at random times much earlier than 5 and once he even woke up twice.  I am going to attribute that to a growth spurt.  We upped him a half ounce and he is doing much better- and going longer in between his feedings now, which is really nice- especially since we have a long drive coming up! The past few nights he has slept from 10-6 and then wakes up between 8:30 and 9.  I think that is really great- that's a great schedule for him when we go back to work in a month (but I know that his schedule will be completely different in a month right?!?!). I am crossing my fingers he will keep him sleep schedule at least while we are on vacation! :)

A few weeks ago I posted about these 16 by 20 canvas prints that we had done of pictures that made us laugh- and they arrived this week! They are HUGE! In fact, I would compare the size of them to a pizza box.  That's pretty big! They are going to be hung above Christopher's crib. The place that we got these from sent out an email to get 4 more of them for $100- I think that's a great deal and I told Matt that, so hopefully he bought it!

Here was our little firecracker for the fourth.  I don't particularly like the fourth- I like the fireworks but I HATE the immaturity of people who buy their own and set them off.  Needless to say, I had to be "that neighbor". Why do we have to be doing it at 10:30 at night when Christopher is asleep- and he is a sound sleeper so I wasn't too worried about them waking him...BUT WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO DO THEM IN MY SIDE YARD RIGHT OUTSIDE HIS WINDOW?!?!?!?! I mean, really, people. Go in the road- we have a huge cul-de-sac. That way if your sparks catch something on fire, it will be you and not my yard or my house. Of course, I went out and said something. Better to say something than just be mad about it. :)

We have been trying tummy time with the Boppy and it is going much better than making him be on his tummy on the ground. :) He was doing it while we got Matt all packed up! That boy takes a lot of clothes! :)

And that's it for now! One more wake up and we are on the road!! :) 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Baptism Weekend

This was a very family filled weekend! Mom and Dad flew in Thursday afternoon and Matt's dad flew in Friday afternoon.  It was Dad's birthday Saturday, our anniversary Saturday, Christopher's baptism Sunday and Cindy and Mark's anniversary today (Monday)! I would say that these three days were pretty important!

Christopher and I had to pass some time on Thursday... sitting around waiting is just not for us me. :) So we ventured down to Hobby Lobby to get a craft project to work on while mom was here. Here is the finished project.  (I am doing a wall of M's on the wall as you come down the stairs.  The only problem is I need to get all the M's or at least most so I can start hanging them.) This one still needs a ribbon added to the top because it is also going to double as my fall door hanging.

We went out to dinner at Mellow Mushroom that evening.  It is my parent's favorite pizza place when they come down here.  I know if I take my mom to Mellow, O'Charleys or Miss L's she will be happy! :)

Friday we pretty much just spent the day hanging around the house! Matt picked up his dad and took him to Social Vinings for lunch and a drink. Mom, Dad and I went and got Christopher's birth certificate while Matt was gone. GROSS. I think if I had to take Christopher in that place... I would have turned around and gone home without it.  I had to go to Cobb County Health Services which is where the Vital Records place was.  It was such an old building and as soon as I walked in, I sanitized. It makes me very thankful for where I am in my life and what I have to give Christopher. The most important thing is though we got the birth certificate and were out. :) That night we had Matt's family over for dinner.  We made shredded BBQ chicken in the crock pot- so yummy and easy! (That is definitely going to be a beach meal next week!)  Here are a few pictures I took that night.

This doesn't even look like Christopher!

staring at Uncle Mark's shirt

Oops. I don't know how to turn this picture!
So Saturday was dad's birthday! We saw on the news Friday that they were having a model train exhibit down at the Galleria and I SWEAR they said it was Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  We all trekked down there after the gym... and were greatly disappointed! It was only Friday! I am kind of angry at the news for giving out false information because we really could have taken him on Friday. We thought that it would be the perfect place to take dad for his birthday. He was a train collector in his younger days and still puts out his train at Christmas.  It was a great disappointment- especially since he didn't know where he was going! :( Here we are...before finding out there were no more trains.
It seems like we parked Christopher in the perfect spot! Right in the sun! :)

Christopher and his "Big Daddy"

Brushing out that cradle cap! GROSS!

We had to try on his Baptism outift to make sure it fit! This outfit was bought by Aunt Nancy for Anthony's baptism... 32 years ago! It was worn by Aunt Nancy's son as well 22 years ago.. and here Christopher is wearing his godfather's outfit! Cousin Kate says all the bad boys have worn it... uh-oh.  (If Christopher's performance at church is an indicator... we are in trouble!)
And here we are before going out to dinner for our 5 year anniversary.  We went to a restaurant called Canoe- it is located on the Chattahoochee down in Vinings. It was a fancy place... and Matt and I aren't fancy people! Matt ordered a glass of wine with his rabbit.. yes, rabbit, and the waitress asked what he looked for in his "reds" and after a few seconds of staring at her.. I replied with "nothing!" hehe. We are hot dogs and beer type of people! We also vowed only to go to places like that for special anniversaries and if we ever made enough money to go there more often.. we would just go to Chili's every night for dinner and spend more money on personal training sessions with Eddie to counter the fat we ate! :) But seriously dinner was really good.  We tried 2 apps, I had the NY strip for dinner and Matt rabbit, and we had 2 yummy desserts. I also had a Jack and Coke that was divine!

My dessert!

Sunday was Christopher's baptism- the whole reason for the family filled weekend.  Christopher is NOT  fussy baby. When he gets tired he fusses a little and between 7 and 8 at night when he is ready to end his day he can get a little testy... but otherwise he is really a chill kid.  I had no worries about how he would behave during his baptism.... REALLY, CHRISTOPHER! He slept the whole way there... woke up when we got there and was smiling and cooing... and then as soon as the baptism started he was all over the place, being the perfect Mr. Wigglebutt.  At first he was just "talking" really loudly while the deacon was.. and then every now and then he would whimper and then the fussiness started! He was good while actually being baptized with the water.  He was just staring at the deacon (whose granddaughter I taught in 2nd grade!) But at least he is baptized now.. and yes the little girl getting baptized with us... was sleeping the whole time.

All I could do was laugh while Christopher was "vocal."

my family

Matt's family

After the baptism we came back to the house and had a little family celebration for Christopher.  We had rigatoni (yumm- I miss my mom's sauce!) and then I had a little project for everyone to do.  I got a plain white piggy bank and put on scrapbook letters of his name. 

Then I had everyone dip their thumb in paint and put their thumbprint on the pig.  I wrote everyone's name underneath their print.  My goal is to have anyone that comes over put their print on it- well only if they drop some money in his pig! Here are the finished pictures!
one side of the pig- Christopher's toe print is next to his name!

Matt and I claimed the ears!

The grandfaathers claimed the butt!

And that was our weekend! So fun! My mom and dad left today... but I am not crying because we are leaving for the beach with them on Friday!!! :) :) 

You know I love pajamas on Christopher... so here are a few from the weekend!

courtesy of Aunt Nancy

courtesy of Nana Ginger

And that blog post took me forever... my phone is seriously driving me nuts- it took 10 minutes to upload those last 3 pictures!!! UGH!

Everyone have a great day!