This was a very family filled weekend! Mom and Dad flew in Thursday afternoon and Matt's dad flew in Friday afternoon. It was Dad's birthday Saturday, our anniversary Saturday, Christopher's baptism Sunday and Cindy and Mark's anniversary today (Monday)! I would say that these three days were pretty important!
Christopher and I had to pass some time on Thursday... sitting around waiting is just not for
us me. :) So we ventured down to Hobby Lobby to get a craft project to work on while mom was here. Here is the finished project. (I am doing a wall of M's on the wall as you come down the stairs. The only problem is I need to get all the M's or at least most so I can start hanging them.) This one still needs a ribbon added to the top because it is also going to double as my fall door hanging.
We went out to dinner at Mellow Mushroom that evening. It is my parent's favorite pizza place when they come down here. I know if I take my mom to Mellow, O'Charleys or Miss L's she will be happy! :)

Friday we pretty much just spent the day hanging around the house! Matt picked up his dad and took him to Social Vinings for lunch and a drink. Mom, Dad and I went and got Christopher's birth certificate while Matt was gone. GROSS. I think if I had to take Christopher in that place... I would have turned around and gone home without it. I had to go to Cobb County Health Services which is where the Vital Records place was. It was such an old building and as soon as I walked in, I sanitized. It makes me very thankful for where I am in my life and what I have to give Christopher. The most important thing is though we got the birth certificate and were out. :) That night we had Matt's family over for dinner. We made shredded BBQ chicken in the crock pot- so yummy and easy! (That is definitely going to be a beach meal next week!) Here are a few pictures I took that night.
This doesn't even look like Christopher!
staring at Uncle Mark's shirt
Oops. I don't know how to turn this picture!
So Saturday was dad's birthday! We saw on the news Friday that they were having a model train exhibit down at the Galleria and I SWEAR they said it was Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We all trekked down there after the gym... and were greatly disappointed! It was only Friday! I am kind of angry at the news for giving out false information because we really could have taken him on Friday. We thought that it would be the perfect place to take dad for his birthday. He was a train collector in his younger days and still puts out his train at Christmas. It was a great disappointment- especially since he didn't know where he was going! :( Here we are...before finding out there were no more trains.
It seems like we parked Christopher in the perfect spot! Right in the sun! :)
Christopher and his "Big Daddy"
Brushing out that cradle cap! GROSS!
We had to try on his Baptism outift to make sure it fit! This outfit was bought by Aunt Nancy for Anthony's baptism... 32 years ago! It was worn by Aunt Nancy's son as well 22 years ago.. and here Christopher is wearing his godfather's outfit! Cousin Kate says all the bad boys have worn it... uh-oh. (If Christopher's performance at church is an indicator... we are in trouble!)

And here we are before going out to dinner for our 5 year anniversary. We went to a restaurant called Canoe- it is located on the Chattahoochee down in Vinings. It was a fancy place... and Matt and I aren't fancy people! Matt ordered a glass of wine with his rabbit.. yes, rabbit, and the waitress asked what he looked for in his "reds" and after a few seconds of staring at her.. I replied with "nothing!" hehe. We are hot dogs and beer type of people! We also vowed only to go to places like that for special anniversaries and if we ever made enough money to go there more often.. we would just go to Chili's every night for dinner and spend more money on personal training sessions with Eddie to counter the fat we ate! :) But seriously dinner was really good. We tried 2 apps, I had the NY strip for dinner and Matt rabbit, and we had 2 yummy desserts. I also had a Jack and Coke that was divine!
My dessert!
Sunday was Christopher's baptism- the whole reason for the family filled weekend. Christopher is NOT fussy baby. When he gets tired he fusses a little and between 7 and 8 at night when he is ready to end his day he can get a little testy... but otherwise he is really a chill kid. I had no worries about how he would behave during his baptism.... REALLY, CHRISTOPHER! He slept the whole way there... woke up when we got there and was smiling and cooing... and then as soon as the baptism started he was all over the place, being the perfect Mr. Wigglebutt. At first he was just "talking" really loudly while the deacon was.. and then every now and then he would whimper and then the fussiness started! He was good while actually being baptized with the water. He was just staring at the deacon (whose granddaughter I taught in 2nd grade!) But at least he is baptized now.. and yes the little girl getting baptized with us... was sleeping the whole time.

All I could do was laugh while Christopher was "vocal."
my family
Matt's family
After the baptism we came back to the house and had a little family celebration for Christopher. We had rigatoni (yumm- I miss my mom's sauce!) and then I had a little project for everyone to do. I got a plain white piggy bank and put on scrapbook letters of his name.
Then I had everyone dip their thumb in paint and put their thumbprint on the pig. I wrote everyone's name underneath their print. My goal is to have anyone that comes over put their print on it- well only if they drop some money in his pig! Here are the finished pictures!
one side of the pig- Christopher's toe print is next to his name!
Matt and I claimed the ears!
The grandfaathers claimed the butt!
And that was our weekend! So fun! My mom and dad left today... but I am not crying because we are leaving for the beach with them on Friday!!! :) :)
You know I love pajamas on Christopher... so here are a few from the weekend!
courtesy of Aunt Nancy
courtesy of Nana Ginger
And that blog post took me forever... my phone is seriously driving me nuts- it took 10 minutes to upload those last 3 pictures!!! UGH!
Everyone have a great day!