I have to start with this picture. I am so excited it is even going to be the thumbnail picture on Facebook! I think you all know what that bag is. Thank god that the smell stays in the bag! What started out as an innocent dinner at Taco Mac turned into something shitty. hehe. I am so thankful that Taco Mac had a wait... and is typically very crowded on Thursdays or we would have been there for dinner. The impatient person that I am told Matt we were not waiting and just to meet us at O'Charley's. God must have known what was going to happen! Christopher was going to need to be fed during dinner. We all took turns holding him and feeding him. He was all done eating and Matt handed him back to me so that he could just sit and hang out, which is exactly what he was doing, all happy and talking- then I noticed a smell. I don't typically smell anything when Christopher goes #2 so I figured it was massive. The reason I smelled it was because it was all over my pants. I don't know what happened because that has never happened before! I think the way he was sitting must have done something! I had lifted him up just a little to see what was happening and calmly set him back down. "He shit on me." I am pretty sure that's what I said before I started to laugh so hard I couldn't talk. Mom jumps out of her seat and races over to take Christopher, Dad was expressionless (I think it was the shock), and Matt just continued eating. I am so grateful we were sitting near the exit. Mom took Christopher out and I had to scurry out of the restaurant with poop all over my pants and shirt. It was hilarious!!! I mean, really what else can you do but laugh?
I don't know how Christopher ended up like this, but he was pretty comfy! This picture is after Christopher and mom and dad came up to work to help me with my room. I hate redoing my year every year. It is such a pain.

Mr. Happy in his Snug a Bunny seat. He loves to sit on the island and have conversations.
We met Matt for lunch at Doc Greens- which we totally need one up here in Acworth! Then we had to go work clothes shopping at Jos A. Bank. I wish they had baby suits there. It would have been more fun.
Christopher loves his exersaucer. He screams at the toys when he sees them. It is so funny to watch him discover the new ones and squeal with joy! He has actually even been turning the seat around and grabbing at the toys.
Twins? Anthony wanted to make his eyes as big as Christopher's!
Mom and Mr. Nike Model.
Last summer lunch with Matt. I certainly won't miss driving on 285, but I will miss the yummy lunches and family time!
All of Christopher's new books from Barnes and Noble!
We have family coming into town this weekend... Cousin Kate is returning and bringing the rest of her family (minus Kyle but plus Christopher's Great Grandfather). I know Aunt Nancy and Rachel can't wait to hold him!!
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