Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Beach... part 1

There is no way I will have time to blog about Christopher's entire beach trip when we get home, so I am going to do it in parts! He has already had many new experiences and it's only Tuesday!

We left Atlanta Friday evening and started our journey to Charlotte.  Our goal was to get as close to there as possible- we actually ended up going to a town right past Charlotte so goal accomplished!
Heading out of town!

This is how we slept (or didn't sleep) in the hotel.  Christopher slept pretty good, but I would say Matt and I definitely did not! This is our infant travel bed- I wrapped the bottom in a super soft blanket for him to lay on. 

Sound asleep... and about to woken up so that we can get on the road. I just love Christopher in those pajamas... so much that he had 3 months ones, and now he has 6 months, 9 months and 12 months ones as well! We did that with another pair of pjs as well- old faithful as I call them (the baseball ones).

Behind that tree is Christopher's first hotel- Holiday Inn Express.

We finally made it home to Virginia Beach Saturday afternoon around 1:30.  I don't even remember the last time that I was home. Needless to say, mom and dad were thrilled when we got there.  They had gotten so much stuff for Christopher so that I didn't have to lug it all there with us for the beach.  They borrowed a swing, bouncy seat, activity mat, pack and play and bathtub for us to take.  It was great because Christopher had options there and here!

(Mrs. Neely came over to meet Christopher while we were home. I don't know where my phone is to upload that picture though... I will get it on here soon!)

We finally made it to Nags Head around 2:30 on Sunday- Here are dad and Anthony in the pool our first night here.

Here is Christopher with Sharon our first morning! He is wearing his King of the Beach Curious George shirt here.  Between mom and I, Christopher has a beach related outfit for every hour that he is on vacation!

Later that day we went to visit Terry at the Cross beach house- He is wearing a crab shirt, but he was being far from a crab!

Ryan was there as well! They look so comfy together don't they!

It was getting cloudy so Matt walked Christopher down to the beach.  This was the first time Christopher saw the ocean! He was so calm and mesmerized while they were down there... even though really he is calm and mesmerized most of the time. 

Well, those are just some of the pictures that I have taken.  There are plenty more to come!
PS- Christopher slept from 9:45-7:30 today.  WOW! 

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