Christopher has taken a liking to light switches so we are working on the words on, off and light, but as you know from the whole "ball" word, I am not the best word teacher. (But he totally says ball now.)
Monday we went and had lunch with Matt at work. I always ask to go to Seasons 52, but Matt says he has never seen a kid in there at lunchtime, so we never go. :( Thankfully there is a Chili's down there- loud atmosphere and good kid food! Plus they were really fast so we were able to go back to visit some of daddy's co-workers. Christopher was a little show off with his walking and push up skills? He was doing some weird thing on the ground and squatting down to greet people. I think my favorite moment though was the look he gave Jessica- totally checked her out and smiled! It was so funny!
He did the whole squatting thing at the pool yesterday too. There was a little boy his age and he walked over and squatted down to say hi. I think it's because whenever people greet him they squat down to be on his level, so he squats down too! He used to greet Stroonz that way too but now he prefers to lay down next to Stroonz and say hi sideways.
Here's a few pics of our week so far!
Enjoying a snack before our morning nap!
Must. Pull. Dog.
There was a lot of grunting with this pull.
Squealing like a dinosaur!
As I was putting Christopher down for his nap, I kissed him and said, "When you get up, we will go see Daddy" to which his head shot up and he started looking everywhere... Dada? Dada? I would say he was happy to be at lunch!
Playtime after we got home! We went to the pool with some of my friends and their kids after lunch with Matt. Christopher had a blast!
Shall I start a countdown??? 23 days til we are in VA!
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on the baby birds! I can't believe how big (and cute) he is getting!
Think, Wonder, & Teach