I have been trying to do stuff with Christopher this week that does not involve going to the pool or playing out back in the water. I figure he will get enough of that when we head to Va Beach and Nags Head for the next few weeks! So on Monday, I took Christopher to Barnes and Noble. It was a rainy, overcast day so I figured a little time in the bookstore would be fun. I knew there was a train table and lots of stuffed animals and books everywhere- he would love it. I hadn't planned on the major downpour though as we were getting there. I had just taken the umbrella out this past weekend when I played chauffeur, but what little kid doesn't love to dance in the rain! He laughed the whole time until we made it to the door!
Once inside, he beelined it to all the stuffed animals (and I spent my time picking up every one of them that he discarded.) Obviously I didn't even attempt to break out ths stroller in the rain, so he literally was let loose in there.
We finally made it over to the train table.
Does Christopher need one of these? Are they worth it?
Tuesday I took Christopher to the mall to ride the train. Mom is always telling me to take him, so I finally did. He did seem to like it. He just stood on the seat and stared out. I think I heard "Look how big his eyes are!" about 5 times. :)
Here we are when we first got on the train! He was sitting...
And then he realized he could climb up onto the seat and look out the window! You can see his little train ticket in his hand. He kept it in his hand the whole time. I thought for sure it would fall out along the ride.
He went back to daycare today after almost a full week off! I think he was super happy to be back, but he is home again tomorrow so now I need to think of something for tomorrow. I would love to take him to Centennial Olympic Park to play in the fountains, but if you know me... you know there is no way I am going there alone. I was thinking about taking him to PetSmart and letting him look at all the animals. I think he would like that. We are going to the zoo when we go home which I know he will love. I am sure his hand will be so tired of saying hi to all of the animals.
I wanted to be sure I got a picture of him helping with the dishes so that I can show him later on when he screams about having to do it for a chore.
And in "not Christopher" news..... Here are my latest Pinterest inspired creations!
Greek yogurt trail mix bars-
vanilla yogurt, strawberries, banana nut granola, mini chocolate chips
Another yarn wreath! I think I have one for every holiday now!
Matt invited Christopher's biggest fan over to spend Saturday with him. I think Sarah was most excited when I asked if I could take a picture for the blog!
Here are a few videos I have from the week. I have already posted one to Instagram so it may not be new to everyone!
And we are off to VA on Saturday! Please pray for safe travels and a baby (toddler) who doesn't mind being trapped in his car seat for 6 hours as we head to Blacksburg, VA.
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