Sunday, August 24, 2014

Picture Round-up!

Christopher is loving life right now! He spends half his time at daycare and half his time with Nana and Granddaddy! He is doing SOOOO much better with the whole potty thing. This is probably me jinxing it by typing that- hope not! He watched soccer at daycare last week and came home demanding to be a soccer player and just yesterday he decided he wanted to be a football player. He also put on my necklace and told me he was a girl, but we will ignore that. :)
Enjoy the pictures! 
Isn't this the most awsesome faucet thing! We got this in Christopher's Citrus Lane box last month and I love it so much we ordered another one for his bathroom. It makes it so convenient for him to wash his hands without smashing his ribs trying to lean up to the water.

Snack time at daycare!

Hanging with his buddy, Luke.

Pap came to visit us for 10 days! Christopher had a great time playing with him. This was Pap's last night here!

Notre Dame overload! Christopher is busy learning the Notre Dame Fight Song. Before going to bed tonight, he was singing "Wake up the Echoes...."

Playing at Nana and Granddaddy's playground.
We had a cookout at our house this weekend- complete with a big bounce house! Christopher had a ball! I am so glad he is over his fear of them! He was soaking wet from sweating so much!

Dinner on the deck.

My new favorite pciture of Christopher! He looks so old.. and so handsome!

Nana bought Christopher a golf set. He loves it! Pretty good form as well.

Breakfast date with daddy last weekend!
Christopher is not a fan of Matt and I dumping buckets of ice water on our heads... but he sure does love to do it to himself! He has also invented the golf ball challenge and the french fry challenge. (Fake french fries thank goodness)
"Listen, Nana, if you don't take me to a ballgame soon...."
Hope everyone has a great week! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Two. That's the number of blogs I am writing now and I definitely feel like I have neglected this one!
Two.  That's the number of steps backwards Christopher is going with potty training.
Two. That's the number of tractors Christopher squatted and peed between at Home Depot.
Two. He's two. What more can I say?

In all honesty, I totally feel like I have ignored this blog lately. We have to write a school blog now as well, so I have been putting my time into updating that ... and not this one. And well school started last week, so I think most of my readers know what that means for spare time!

Potty training was going oh so well and now Christopher could care less. Marshmallows certainly moved his butt upstairs to pee tonight though.

And yes, who doesn't love a good ole pee in the middle of Home Depot.?!?! Matt took Christopher with him last Saturday morning and even took him to the bathrooms there- not 5 minutes a nice little puddle on the floor. Oh gosh I can't imagine the embarrassment Matt felt. LOL. :)

Here are a few pictures that I have collected- not many!
Mom and Dad have these 2 cats that hang out right near their house and they are very friendly. Christopher spends a lot of time petting the cats.

Pap is here visiting and Christopher is loving spending time with him. Here he is trying to get Pap to kick the football off the tee.

Here we come... walking down the street. Off to dinner. Nana and Granddaddy were a little late picking us up so we started walking down the street to meet them.

Making buffalo roasted for dinner! He had fun making it.... but didn't exactly like it!


And that's all you get. I have no other pictures! I cannot believe that. My phone's storage is full and I am deleting it all and taking a million pictures this weekend and will update again soon (and maybe even with videos)!

Have a great week!
Be kind.