Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Many Meanings of Blowout

Mom and Dad came into town late Thursday night! This is Notre Dame's off weekend of course! Christopher had a "snow day" on Friday and got to stay home with Nana and Granddaddy! He was up at 6 though, ready to get dressed and leave- but when we went downstairs he realized he wasn't going anywhere! He was so excited to see them!

(Not in time order, but a sweet picture of Christopher and Nana.)

As you can read from all of my other blog posts, Nana and Granddaddy spoil ALL of us, so Matt and I decided to treat them to an extra special dinner on Friday night. We picked somewhere we thought mom would like and that there was no way she would ever convince dad to take her to! After all, mom was the one that stayed here for a month and helped out with cooking and cleaning and laundry and taking care of Christopher. If you have ever been to the Melting Pot you know that it is not a quick dinner.  At about 7:45 (knowing that Christopher normally is ready for his bedtime bottle) I started getting a little lot panicky... but he was the seriously the perfect baby the whole time. If Nana hadn't sneezed so incredibly loud right near him, I don't think he would have made a sound the whole time! Thankfully, his cry only lasted a few seconds. We had a great dinner and yummy dessert!!!

Anthony, mom and Christopher
Most of my Facebook friends have already seen this video- this is the one where he is eating his spoonful of prunes. When we went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, she suggested I start giving him prunes so he goes every day instead of every other day. It was basically the only thing she could think of as to why he was so off that day, so I went with it since he does seem a little happier after he goes.  I give him a few spoonfuls with his rice cereal every day.... but normally I mix it. Here it is full on just prunes.

She also suggested that on days I don't give him the prunes mixed in- I add it to a bottle or two... Which leads to today's blog post title.
blowout (1) approx 2000-2005: an amazing party that you never want to leave and you talk about for years to come

blowout (2) approx 2010-2012: Pauly D's hair do on Jersey Shore

blowout (3)  April 17, 2012- ????: what Christopher has when we eat at restaurants on Chastain Road (please refer to my other blog post- What Can You Do But Laugh?)

pre-blowout (definition 3) I don't know- maybe it was the GA shirt he didn't want to wear?

post-blowout (definition 3) Does he look lighter?
I won't get into any details because you know what happened. Let's just say last time at O'Charley's it was a lot less crowded, but I had to carry him out in my arms. At least this time he was still in his car seat.  (And Matt had to help this time!) 
A little clip from after the blowout. Please excuse the singing.
And from the week...
We met Matt at Mellow Mushroom Tuesday night for a pizza dinner!

Matt says Christopher looks like a doll in this picture.
Same picture as below- just so must better once Instagrammed!
And of course, one of my Instagram pictures from the week! I LOVE Instagram!!!

We love Radford!
A Whale of a Good Time!
Saturday morning wake up!

Uncle Anthony and Christopher. Christopher was being a wiggle butt so he didn't get held my Anthony for very long!! He wanted to get in his Jumperoo!
And there ya go! We are all just hanging around this morning. Mom is making breakfast. Dad is on the treadmill. Christopher and Matt are playing... and I am typing so I don't have to do it at 9 tonight!
Have a great week! 

Sunday, September 23, 2012


I am just plain pooped. And the reason is the lack of poop from a little boy. So today all you are getting is pictures with some captions. Unfortunately, I was out of work for meetings Thursday and Friday and have to catch up on stupid lesson plans instead of writing this! BOOOOO.

Christopher turned 5 months old this week. Crazy, but true!

He seems kinda pleased with being so old!

Playing on the bed after work one day!
Christopher wore his Redskins shirt for the game last week. He looked so cute with his little mesh shorts on with it! In fact, Matt had on matching black mesh shorts.

Yes I still love my toes.

Christopher must have had a full day this day. Yes now that I think of it he certainly did. He wasn't the best napper at daycare this day. In fact, we thought my may have an ear infection so I took him in... healthy as can be.

He just liked the cold feel of the bottle. Nothing else!

Ms. Jeanne sent this to Matt and I on Tuesday. It was the BEST! I loved getting it during the day. Doesn't he look super happy?!?!

Hmmm. See my shirt. I went to work and decided I needed to have it in every color they made so Caryn took a picture for me to send to Matt! He had a very successful shopping trip for me that day. And for Christopher. In one week, between Matt and Nana, Christopher got 10 pairs of pants.
My mom bought these 3 button shirts for Christopher and he looks absolutely adorable in them.  Granddaddy wears the EXACT kind of shirts all the time- it always makes me smile when Christopher is in them!

These pajamas here are 9 month jammies!! Say WHAT?!?! I know. It's sad. What a sweet picture though. Morning time on the weekends is so fun with Christopher.

Turtle and Katie came in for Music Midtown and got to meet Christopher!

Off for some shopping. I totally thought it was cold out because it was cold out at 8 in the morning. He looked super cute in his zip up though.. even though he really didn't need it!
My goal this week is to update at least once more! As the week goes by I always find myself saying- I need to blog about this!! And then I forget. We shall see if I have time. I am already behind with work and the week hasn't even begun. Oh the joys of teaching :)
Nana and Granddaddy fly in Thursday!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

An Evening in the Life of Christopher

Have you noticed that I typically update on Sundays? Hopefully that is okay with everyone- I like to collect the pictures from the week and then choose the ones I am going to share.  Trust me- If I blogged everyday and showed you every picture- You just possibly might get tired of seeing Christopher pictures!!

When Christopher and I get home from work each day- we always play on my bed for at least 15 minutes- minimum.  My friend Kelly told me once that between school and cooking and being a wife... make sure you always sit down and play the moment you get home. So I have taken that advice! I don't check Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or even try and sneak a few minutes of a Grey's episode. I like to devote those 15 minutes to just Christopher. You will see that most of the pictures of him have my bedspread in the background- those are the pictures I take during our 15 minutes of uninterrupted fun! He laughs and smiles and rolls around- pure joy!

This was Christopher's outfit for 9-11. When I gave Ms. Jeanne his bag for the week I said- "Make sure you use the I love the USA bib on Tuesday." :)

Shark attack!

After our 15 minutes of fun, we head downstairs and Christopher goes straight into his Jumperoo while I get bottles washed and dinner prepped! He does really enjoy it so I don't feel too bad about getting the chores I have to do done!
Then, around 5 or 530 he is ready for a little snooze. That's when I turn on a Grey's episode and he falls asleep on my shoulder. I figure he sleeps in his pack and play during the day and he goes down great at night so if I want to hold him for a 45 minute nap I can! When he wakes up it is time for his rice cereal and bottle. I still think he is a little too young to get the full serving of rice cereal so we  only give him about a teaspoon and then a 4 oz bottle with it. I don't have to make it all runny anymore- He is able to eat it thickened up.
Such a little man. I love the hands crossed! And he has to look like me somewhere in this picture. Every time I look at it I think he looks like Anthony!

He loves to chew on his spoon.  Tonight I kept 2 spoons there and rotated the spoons when he wouldn't let go of the other one. Definitely teething.
Daddy comes home after that or sometimes during and then it is family time! :) Christopher normally gets his bath around 7:30 and in bed between 8 and 8:15.  Last night he slept from 8:30 to 8:30. I was up at 7 though... of course!
Matt wanted me to document Christopher's entire Saturday in pictures... but I totally forgot to take the pictures- but here are a few I did get!
When Christopher woke up he came in bed with us and Matt made hand puppets on the ceiling. Do you know what that is?

Cutest picture ever. I wish it was lighter.

Hanging out in line at BJs. Yes that is a Mississippi State onesie. His clean Notre Dame one was long sleeve and it was a little too warm. I tried putting him in a UGA one, but Matt didn't like the one I picked out.
In between these pictures we went to Hobby Lobby and to our neighbors for a few drinks! Christopher was so good- smiled at people, looked around... didn't make a single sound.. and then fell asleep on my shoulder.

After his bedtime bottle and BURP. :)
Just a little video!
And the biggest thing of my week... our treadmill came! :) After 7 years of constant working out... we quit the gym. We do have alot of workut equipment here though.. and Eddie comes twice a week and maybe 3 times soon! :) We have both used it everyday since it arrived! :) Good purchase! :)

Have a great week!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Do you ever have those days when you just realize how truly great you have it? I had one of those days today.  I got a great night's sleep and was woken up by Christopher's cute noises coming over the monitor.  Like clockwork, he ate and played and then an hour and a half later- he was ready for his 2 hour nap... just like yesterday and the day before and the day before, etc. He woke up.. ate and played and went back down for another nap. When he naps like that it is so easy to get cleaned up and do schoolwork and just relax!! Plus, he wakes up so happy! We went shopping late afternoon and I got everything I wanted. :) I am so lucky, not because of the things I got, but because of the content feelings I have! :)
And now some pictures from the week (but mostly the weekend!).
Christopher loves to eat his toes!

Just trying to burp!

Saturday morning wake up!

His cheeks don't look so chubby in this picture!

Heading down to Uncle Anthony's
me and Christopher

See- Stroonz really pays him not attention!

We had some guests Saturday night! The girls were so sweet with Christopher.

Uncle Anthony was playing Christopher a song.

And some random video of Christopher burping. :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Our Weekend

Thank God for 3 day weekends!!! This is the first weekend in FOREVER that we had no plans. Between traveling the last 2 weekends and school starting, I didn't want to do anything but sit around and enjoy Christopher.  This was also our first weekend to try and keep him on Ms. Jeanne's nap schedule- which I must say we did a good job of doing! He took great 2 hour naps each day- one in the morning and one in early afternoon- and then a catnap each evening. Christopher ***I think*** has learned to self soothe and after a week of being off is back to sleeping through the night. Dear God I hope I am not jinxing myself. No big news for the week- Just glad we had a smooth work week and a great weekend together- enjoy some pictures! :)
Our little reader. It is so cute when Christopher holds the book. My friend Becca posted a picture of her 15 month old in his crib surrounded by books- I hope that is Christopher later on! I try to get him to read as much as possible. Sometimes he doesn't last longer than a second so I am wondering when I should have him tested for attention disorders! JUST KIDDING!! :)

Christopher was ready for College Football Day- He wore his Notre Dame onesie on Friday to match me... and then his UGA onesie on Saturday to match Matt. Do you see sTroonz in the background? He loves when Matt gets out of bed so he can sneak onto his spot!

Anthony came up Friday because we were going to have wings and beer at Sidelines on 41.  Well, I guess common sense should have told us that since the one on Barrett Parkway is smoking that this one would be as well... so we ended up at Parkside.  Christopher sat there listening to the jazz music that was playing- and put himself to sleep!

Good Saturday morning!
Christopher got some new things this weekend. We went and got him his high chair.  We ended up getting the high chair that doesn't have a bottom- you attach it to a regular chair. I like it because we can set him on the island and stand and feed him there.  Christopher also got a new Jumperoo-  I was so tired of not having anything in his room other than his crib to put him in when I am in there cleaning or doing his laundry. We moved his exersaucer up there and kept the Jumperoo downstairs. Instead of just playing music, a lady actually sings! I love it. I try to sing just like her!  Christopher also hit the jackpot when we went to the outlets! Carters was having a sale... as was OshKosh! :)

Christopher got his first taste of rice cereal this weekend! Such a big boy!

Don't be fooled by this face.

He was shoving the spoon into his mouth if I wasn't doing it fast enough.

The power struggle.
After church we went to the outlets.  This was Christopher eating his elephant on the way home.

Do you love my eyes?
We hiked Kennesaw Moutnain Monday morning! Matt couldn't say no when I asked him because it's my birthday!! :)

We all made it to the top!

We went up on the trail and back down on the road. This is how Christopher spent the whole hike. I think he was just reaching out to be held.
I will try to take more pictures this week! I don't feel like there are too many on this post!! :)
Have a great week!