Wednesday, July 30, 2014

McDill Family OUT

We are a pretty healthy family, but this past week we were OUT of commission. I mean, on the floor, crying, OUT. Christopher got sick last Wednesday around 11 pm. Matt went in there first and I didn't know he was sick until I heard "He's throwing up blood." Seriously?!!?! I mean, who wants to hear that in the monitor. Thankfully, no, it was just strawberries. Poor little guy was up on and off for about 4 hours, but by 3:30 he was fully asleep and completely back to normal when he woke up on Thursday. Then... Matt went to 311 Thursday night and woke up super sick. So sick he didn't even go to the concert again Friday night... but I did. Well, I went until about 3 minutes before the show started, had to call Matt and he had to drag himself out of bed to walk to the concert to pick me up. You know I am not walking alone in Atlanta. Matt still was sick Saturday, Sunday and Monday! I bounced back better than he did and Christopher was just his crazy self while we were trying to convince him just to lay down with mommy and daddy...puhhhh-leeeease??????  We did muster up the strength to take him to his long awaited ball game Saturday evening. He fell asleep on the way there and wasn't very pleasant when he woke up. I wish he hadn't fallen asleep because he was in a great mood before! He mentioned "going down there" quite a few times, not realizing he couldn't go out there and play. We got great seats right behind home plate so he could see all that was going on. He didn't like sitting in the seat, but he stayed there for about 4 innings and then we went out to walk around. I think he had a fun time.  I am just glad that we were actually able to go because I was pretty sure we weren't going anywhere for days!

At the game... show me your muscles!
His more serious pose.

Christopher said "no, mommy, I take your picture" and ran out pretending to take mine.

Before we went to the ballgame. Christopher took his bag of course, filled with 3 outfit changes and probably 5 pairs of underwear just in case. Thankfully- he was accident free the whole time!
Posing with daddy!

Don't touch the butt!

Oh and did you know they make "daddy underwear"??!?! Christopher wouldn't dare have an accident in daddy underwear. Whenever I ask him what he wants to wear for the day, meaning come pick a shirt- he insists on daddy underwear.
 Hope everyone else stays healthy- that bug going around is not fun!!!
Be kind.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Forgotten Pictures

I was going through Matt's pictures the other day and there were quite a few I had not shared... or at least I don't think I have. If so, forgive me (and just enjoy them again)!

Golfing at Cobblestone. Christopher isn't the quietest little person so being on a golf course was a little stressful. There were about 5 men there enjoying their evenings and Matt says... I'm sure we aren't bothering them. They probably have kids.  Then, 5 seconds later, he finishes by saying... They probably came here for some peace and quiet huh? Yes. :)

Christopher's terrible hiding place. He's not the best hider.

Everyone takes themed books when they go on trips right? I went through all of Christopher's books and picked out every beach themed book to take. I think this one was his favorite- Smile, Pout Pout Fish. The fish in the story goes through different emotions and Christopher would imitate the faces with the new emotions.

The Mexican restaurant at the beach had these little people outside. We told Christopher to put his arm around it for a picture. :)

The boys working on their tans.

Matt has been taking Christopher to the playground at the elementary school to play. It is definitely not made for a 2 year old. Matt has shown me some videos of Christopher at it so I went with them last week. Oh my gosh- I cannot believe the "no fear" attitude. I could never take him by himself. I would be a nervous wreck. He got into this spinny thing and went around and around and then climbed out.. tottered, tottered and fell right over from being dizzy (which he thought was the greatest thing ever!). 

And this is what happens when your potty training child yells "I have to go potty" and runs to the stairs. Burnt grilled cheese.

Christopher ws drinking milk out of a real cup and he had the best milk mustache. Not sure if you can see too great in this picture but it was super cute.

And that's it! Just a few pictures to share!
Christopher is spending the day and night with Granddaddy and Nana tomorrow because Matt and I are going to a concert and staying downtown. I am sure he will have so much fun! And then he finally gets to go to a ballgame on Saturday! I'll be back to blog about that! Have a great weekend!
Be kind.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Mommy- No Touch It!

We are one week into potty training.... Here is a look at how our first day went:

Just kidding-it wasn't that bad. I wrote about the first day in my last blog post and from the feedback I got, it seems Christopher did pretty well for his first day. The second day was a little rougher because one of Christopher's friends was over for the day. He thought going to the potty for 1 minute was the worst thing on earth because it was taking him away from playing. After lunch, he started to understand sitting on the potty didn't really take that long. He even pooped on the potty- which thankfully didn't terrify him. I have heard of some kids not liking it- but of course Christopher was overjoyed and couldn't wait to "dump it" and say bye! My favorite is I would feel his underwear to see if he was still dry and now when he announces he has to go, he runs yelling "mommy no touch it! no touch it!" 

 He was on a 3 day streak but that came crashing down last night when I heard "mooooommmmmm!!! ppooooppyyyyy!" and there he was standing with wet pants. And no it really wasn't poopy. He just likes to call peeing and pooping the same thing, so you never know what you are going to get. I was very nervous the first time we went in the car but I kept telling him he had to stay dry and he did! We have ran to Walgreens and to the store as well and he did okay. The only thing that I didn't like was when we went to the pool and he had to go. I thought he would just go in the pool.... but nope, we had to get out and use the potty there. Gross. It was clean but still and he was way to into checking it all out and forgot he had to go.
 I think he has done fairly well. He will "hold it" like no other because he doesn't want to leave playing. I have to give him a treat just to sit on the potty- he doesn't care about the after treat for going.

Today he went to daycare for the first time. He has to wear Pull-up there for 2 weeks with no accidents. I can only imagine the fight he may have given being taken from playing to go to the potty...

Just a few pics...
apple monster faces with Nico

We spent the first two days of potty training like this.
(Pretty good form for a pitcher... and notice- it's right handed finally)

I am thinking he had cabin fever. Three days of being inside can make one do crazy things.

We laid and read books one morning for about 30 minutes. It was quite enjoyable... and I got to finish the book I was reading!

Christopher is loving having his new playroom. He spends a lot of time in there. He plays with his trains all day long and they even go to the potty with us... shocker!

Christopher was so excited to see this lamp! When Matt came home from work Christopher was playing in his room and he immediately took Matt to see it. He showed off the bat and ball and then asked when we were going to a ballgame.
When we were coming home from WV, it took 3 hours to get from the airport to our house. Insane traffic. We were one exit away and moving along finally when we got stuck in MORE standstill traffic. To keep us all sane, Christopher and Nana started singing "Take me out to the ballgame..." and since then Christopher has been asking to go to a ballgame. When he saw Matt after the trip for the first time, he looked all sad and said "Daddy, I go ballgame...." So of course we are taking him to a ballgame- 2 in fact. Next weekend we are taking him to see the Rome Braves play and I told Matt we can't not let Christopher see Derek Jeter play baseball so we are off to see the Yankees in September!! :) He is going to look so cute in his Yankees shirt that he got last week. Hopefully he will have his "ballgame fix" for awhile!

and a few videos...
hey hey we're the monkees because every kid should know a good oldie...

And that's it. Have a great weekend! 
Be kind. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wild, Wonderful West Virginia

Christopher and I went on our final vacation of the summer. It is so hard to believe that we go back to school in just 2 weeks! Dad was going to West Virginia to go to a Yankees game (well, to Cleveland, OH) so Christopher and I decided to tag along with him and mom. We flew up on Tuesday and came back on Friday. I think Christopher loved every second... he was up at 5:30 every morning ready to start his day.
We did so much as you can see from the pictures below....

Up and at 'em early to head to the airport- had to beat that Atlanta traffic so we wouldn't miss our flight!
Christopher got a bookbag to take on the flight. He got to pick out some toys to take to do on the flight. I also put the iPad in there, but when we went to walk down the stairs of the garage... he kind of fell backwards so I thought it might have been a little heavy.

He kept himself amused by singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

He got a new airplane at the airport to take on the plane as well. Nana was super smart and bought him a pack of Toy Story toys and we gave them to him one by one over the day to keep him enetertained. Buzz and Woody were a huge help to the diaper changing at the airport!

Christopher got to see Eric and Michelle the night we got there. I would say he was completely smitten with Michelle. He kept hugging her and wanted all of us to hug her too!

The first full day we were there we went to Oglebay. You may remember that place from our trip to WV in November. It is where we stayed when we came up and we were able to do some of the activities then, but not all! We had a picnic up by the lodge on a hill looking out at the mountains, went to the Good Zoo, rode paddle boats, hit golf balls at the driving range, and played at lots of playgrounds!

Slapping the otters! The little girl is Gracie. Her and her grandmother were on the same pace as us as we went around the zoo. She thought Christopher was great and wanted to mother him everywhere we went.

Playground fun!

Trying to find some dinosaur fossils.

We got to see donkeys at the barn behind us. ...Dominic!

Waiting on the train at the zoo!

Christopher's duck face (definitely not taught to him, but it is pretty good!)

Feeding the goats! It was fun.. until the big goat and the little goat started fighting over the food we had. Christopher and I bolted.

Paddle boating!

Practicing with his iron!

I forgot how much I love hitting golf balls! When we took Christopher last week at home, only Matt hit and I tried to teach Christopher! My farthest was about 175 yards... I don't think that was too bad! :)

The second day we were there we went to Wheeling Park, where we got to have another picnic, play on playgrounds, go to the pool, and play mini-golf. We had the option of paddle boating again.... but someone didn't want to wear a life jacket....

We picked up some nuggets and set off for lunch!

Walking to the pool!

Playing on the playgrounds! They were such great playscapes!

Playing putt-putt.

Riding a motorcycle.. for like 5 seconds and off to something else!

When we got home Thursday from Wheeling Park, we got to visit with more family at the Eric and Michelle's. They have a cute little house right on the Ohio River with a pontoon boat. Christopher had a ball there. He ate lots of watermelon, met some dogs, rode on the boat, ate mint out of the ground, and learned to roll down a hill!

Okay I know it's not the manliest life vest.... but he wore it and he loved his boat ride with everyone! He even got brave enough to walk around the boat and sit wither Eric to drive.

Swinging by the river.

Eric took a bite off a mint leaf...

and somehow convinced Christopher to do it as well!


And of course....
Granddaddy brought Christopher a Yankees jersey home from the game!

Christopher was a great flyer on the way up... played, sang, snacked... and on the way back...PASSED OUT.

Way too much fun! (and way too many 5:30 wake ups!)

This was on the way to airplane. Such a big boy holding on by himself.

And I do have some other random photos from the week before we went...
I think he looks so old sitting on the bar stool.

Playing ball- his favorite thing to do. I don't know how this boy keeps all these sports straight.

I woke up with a swollen eye one morning due to contact problems... and Christopher kept rubbing my eyes to make me feel better. Such concern.

Hanging with Woody!

Christopher finally got a playroom! I convinced Matt awhile back to give up his mancave upstairs, so we swapped downstairs with upstairs... and VOILA- Still need to take down the sports stuff and put up Christopher's stuff on the walls but it works for now! It is quite cozy up there.

We had a play date with Lucas and he was kind enough to let Christopher drive his car... big mistake. He was a wild man with no control! :)

I love this split picture. I asked the boys to take a picture together and the first one Christopher looks smiley... and by the last picture I took, this is what he looked like. LOL.

We started potty training today too. I knew I wanted to at least attempt it this summer while I was home, but I did not want to do it before vacations, so today was the day. We stayed inside all day and sat on the potty a million times. He wet his first 4 pair of undies... but then started to get it. Someone must have said "Oh shit" when he wet his underwear because that's how we knew every time he wet them after. :) He ended up going in the potty about 6 times and we went through about 7 pairs of underwear. Not a bad first day, but yes I definitely wanted to rip my hair out at times.  He is staying home with me all week to work on it!

And that's it! Hope everyone has a great week!
Be kind.