Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Between Christopher's teething and Halloween falling on a Wednesday and also combining with a full moon- I AM BEAT so this will be short and sweet!

Mom left Tuesday.  I snapped a few pics of her and Christopher before she left.

Playing after dinner Tuesday night- this is one of the 10 shots I took while trying to get a picture of his tooth. That did not happen!
Our little lobster at his daycare Halloween party!

Daddy took a half day to meet with some people at the house and to attend Christopher's party! (Good thing too because all the dads were there!)
Christopher's sweet gift frm Ms. Jeanne! The pumpkin is a magnet! LOVE.
 We gave her a bottle of wine- I am sure she probably needed it after today!
and his buddy Austin! How cute is he?!?!
And there is Christopher's first Halloween. I just realized I didn't get a picture of him in his Halloween shirt today- Daddy's Little Monster. He looked so cute in it too. :( I am thankful Halloween is over- it is by far my least favorite holiday- on to grubbing (Thanksgiving) and giving (Christmas)! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Our First Tooth!

I called home today during my lunch and mom said she swore she felt a tooth. When I got home, she swore she saw a tooth... and YEP! Christopher has his first tooth!!!
He certainly enjoyed his frozen foot!
Christopher sat and played and played when I got home from work today.

And he also put everything in his mouth... obviously!
Perfect shot of Christopher's face when he realized his Daddy was home!
Christopher is headed back to daycare tomorrow. Mom is still here but I am not sure I can make it home in time tomorrow from work to relieve her so she can to get to the airport. :( She said she is going to do stuff for me instead!! YES!!!!
PS- Did you know the tooth fairy comes when you get a tooth??? She comes in the form of Nana and Granddaddy. :) What a lucky little guy. I can't wait to break into that piggy bank one day. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Too Much Excitement.

We have had too much excitement in our lives this week. Thankfully, Christopher just kinda goes with the flow. Here are the highlights.

Here he is watching Daddy put in new batteries for the smoke detectors. They went off from 1-3 on Wednesday night. I have no clue how Christopher slept through them... even when we had to go into his room and check his batteries and set it off to make sure it was okay. We ended up replacing the batteries that were dead in the one that took AA but the other ones that were low took that 9V square battery- who has those just laying around?!? We finally shut the stupid things up. That right there is enough excitement for me for awhile!
See the creeper in the background... aka Matt... found a rat in his car the next day! He had been complaining about his car smelling like a dead animal and sympathetic me told him to get a Scentsy scent circle and get over it. So when I got the email the next day saying he found a rat behind his air filter, part of my felt bad, but the larger part laughed out loud. Hard. :) Thank goodness he wasn't driving around with Christopher in his car!
Then, we had family pictures Saturday morning! Nana came into town to babysit Christopher so that Matt and I could enjoy ourselves at our cul-de-sac block party so it worked out perfectly to do the pictures that day as well so she could get a couple of her and Christopher and all of us. Here is what Christopher wore for the first part of the pictures. He looked so handsome! Unfortunately, the runny nose he had almost gotten rid of came back because the temperature dropped like crazy this weekend!
Uncle Anthony tried to feed Christopher his carrots. Christopher wanted the spoon. Anthony didn't quite know how to gently pull it from him... and BAM. There we go with a huge glob on the nose.
Christopher was ready for his 5:00 nap and Uncle Anthony thought a small swig of beer might help him sleep better.
We brought out Christopher's exersaucer to the party. He had just eaten before we went out so the exersaucer is the calm toy....

But then Christopher saw his buddy Austin jumping in his jumperoo and he started jumping in the exersaucer so we had to go get his jumperoo! The boys were so cute playing out there!
And here is Christopher's new favorite toy. When you give Christopher a new toy he just plays with it- doesn't get all excited and shriek, but when he sees Mickey he does! Unfortunately, Rocco liked Mickey too this weekend so he has to go for a trip in the washing machine before Christopher plays with it again!
Rocco certainly loves Christopher. Christopher isn't too sure yet. Mom said he screamed when he saw him last night when she brought him in to nap... but then he was fine. He screamed when Matt and I came in and were playing with him... but then he was fine. Christopher better get used to the dog- soon! Rocco was giving Christopher morning kisses as we were leaving for Cracker Barrel. OHHH and if you remember the last time I went to Cracker Barrel I posted about that Just Chillin outfit I wanted- got it today for him... along with some train overalls. So cute! (and a dancing turkey!)
Hey Dad!

Playing the hand drums with Uncle Anthony. See his pajamas?! Another Notre Dame win! Christopher is crossing his fingers and toes he gets to go to his first bowl game this year. I had to wait til I was 24 before I got to go to mine!
And our last bit of excitement...
We started working on the sippy cup tonight! He did a good job with it! I had to tilt up the back end for him, but he did okay with drinking from it. I had to test it out first because I wasn't sure how hard he would have to suck to get it out. GROSS.
That's all folks! Mom is on her way BACK from the airport- cancelled flight thanks to Sandy! Hope all my followers in Sandy's path are staying safe!! :)
Don't be alarmed if you don't see anything but black. I laid the phone on the counter and recorded Chrsitopher's giggles.
Have a great week! See you on Wednesday with some Halloween pics!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

6 Months!

Christopher turned 6 months this week! I posted my two favorite pictures on Facebook but since I know some of my blog readers aren't on Facebook... here are the ones I posted... plus a couple extra. I took 43 pictures in all. They are absolutely hilarious.

I can't decide which of these 2 are my favorite. I love the way he is reaching out for the ball- concentrating and all. But I also LOVE this one right above because his eyes look so sweet!

He is so interested in the baseball. He could actually hold it and was even trying to eat it. I guess is might be a spitball pitcher.
And here I don't think he could decide whether to eat his foot.... or eat the ball.

OH MY GOD! What is that?!?!
This week we did a lot of playing on the floor, trying to get Christopher to move around and crawl. I was told at his appointment that it's going to awhile before he starts crawling... which I totally thought crawling came alot earlier. He scoots around pretty good I think.  
Ready to head to daycare! He just looks adorable in his little hoodies!

Just waiting for the doctor to come in! Christopher is weighing in at 18 pounds 4 ounces and he is 27 inches long. He is still in the 83rd percentile for his head circumference as well- big head!
When we were at the doctor he tried to get Christopher to sit on the table and all Christopher wanted to do was grab the crinkly paper and eat it. Then, the doctor tried to get him to stand and Christopher thought he was in his jumper and started to jump! I was like "Christopher stop jumping!" He loves his little Johnny Jump-Up. I love the way his feet move like a ballerino. :) (o means boy right?) :) He did at least compliment us on his fun personality.
So Rocco and Anthony came over Friday night. We had just changed Christopher into his jammies and Rocco came hopping into the room... Christopher took one look at him and shrieked! It was HILARIOUS! He shrieked like 3 times. I think he was just really tired and slightly freaked out because today he was find around him. I felt bad for laughing but it was funny.

Christopher got to try peas today. I hate peas. I think they are just the worst food ever. Christopher is with me on that one! I hope this video below plays for you. I couldn't get the videos from my last post to work at school or on the iPad.
Awww. I know.
And this is what Christopher looks like after a good 2 hour nap....babbling away.
It was an odd week for Christopher in daycare. He didn't take his 2 2hour naps like he always has. He was napping either 2 1 hour naps or one day he just took a 3 hour nap. It's really odd, but I know! Babies change their schedule all the time! I was quite baffled though so I was researching trying to figure out what was going on with him. The doctor told me maybe he is just more interested in what the other kids are doing than taking a nap. I guess. Hopefully he returns to his schedule next week.
Christopher normally takes a cat nap around 4:45 til about 5:30. It so stresses me out that I am not going to get him to go to sleep and he is going to be fussy for Matt when he gets home. He only gets to spend about an hour and a half every night with him so I want to make sure it is happy Christopher that he gets! Plus, trying to make dinner which stresses me out even more especially on workout nights... so tomorrow afternoon I am prepping dinners for the week and making casseroles! We are trying pizza casserole. Mom made that this week and it sounded really yummy! Christopher and I are headed to church in the morning while Matt is going to hand out Diet Cokes to the 3-Day walkers. (I can't believe that was us last year! There was tons of Halloween candy being handed out but the people who brought the coolers of Diet Coke were by far the most popular stops!) And that's it from here! Mom comes in to town Friday night and we have family pictures on Saturday morning.
PS- We are going to hit 6,000 page views with this one! :) I wish I could figure out who is the 6,000th viewer and get you an autographed picture or something... :) 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Take Some Time

Before you even start reading, I must prepare you for the length of this blog post. I was going to split it into two posts, but Matt vetoed that. So therefore, you have my blog title. This is going to definitely take some time to read (and look at pictures..tons of pictures)! Enjoy!
When I picked Christopher up from daycare this week, they were playing outside everyday.  The weather was just gorgeous here- Fall is finally coming! Ms. Jeanne has the perfect shaded back yard for all the kids to enjoy!
Christopher was playing in the little car thing on Thursday!
I don't normally take my phone in with me to get him but I had to go get it. He just looked so sweet playing! And it also got me thinking... I need some daycare pictures! So when I went in on Friday I asked Ms. Jeanne to take a couple pictures of him throughout the day so my blog followers could see what he does while he is there! Of course she didn't disappoint. Instead of just a couple... I got 10! So here they are!

Oh my goodness- do you not just love that drool hanging off his chin!

This is one of the little girls that is there with him. She is such a cutie!

Smile! I know that he is propped up here but he is doing a great job sitting up now. Sure he may topple over after awhile, but he gets better at it everyday!

This picture makes me want to go get a wagon to wheel him around in!

I love how the door is open- It was just gorgeous on Friday!

See the pumpkin in the background- Their playroom is all decorated for Halloween with streamers and pumpkins all around!

Christopher took 3 naps at daycare on Friday- all the smiling for the camera made him tired! :) It is so nice to know that Christopher loves being there- he just smiles and smiles at Ms. Jeanne and has so much fun while he is there... I mean, how could you not- look at all those fun toys! My friend Carmon's little boy went to Ms. Jeanne's daycare 6 years ago and I told her back then when the day finally came, I would be calling! Thank goodness she had an opening because there was no back up plan! :)
And now on to the weekend- well, to Saturday. Matt and I had a full day planned for today. And if you know me... I HATE making plans, but I went with it for this Saturday. Christopher was apparently excited too because he decided to only sleep in by 30 minutes this morning- thank God I am a morning person!
Love those Notre Dame jammies! I was afraid we were going to have to burn them in the 3rd quarter, but thankfully ND pulled it off.

This was after Christopher and I had been up for an hour- We decided it was time for Matt to wake up as well!
Our plan for the day was.... Pumpkin Patch. Taste of Acworth. Notre Dame game. Yankees game. And we did it all! We decided to not go to a huge pumpkin patch.  I am sure Christopher would have loved to look at the animals, the hayride, etc but he wouldn't enjoy it as much as he will next year.  Instead we went to a church by my friend Julie's house- she hadn't seen Christopher in awhile so it worked out great! We got a few pumpkins for the porch and some little ones for inside... and some really sweet photos.
Look at the camera, Christopher!

Oh so sweet- this picture got quite a few "likes" on Facebook! :)

I love this picture! I should have known that the stem was going to go into his mouth at some point- and it did. And as I was picking him up he grabbed straw and stuck that in his mouth. What a redneck he is going to be!
After the pumpkin patch we were off to the Taste of Acworth. Wouldn't you know Christopher fell asleep as we are circling trying to find a parking spot. We decided to not take the stroller and instead use the other carrier we have.  This one faces in - we were hoping Christopher would snuggle in and continue his nap.
He did! Is that not hilarious?!?! First, I swear, I am so thankful that Stacy gave me this Yankees hat. I use it all the time on him! Second, yes he is sound asleep in there. He slept like a champ, even with all the train whistles and music!
Christopher did wake up in time to see his Uncle Anthony when he came!

I adore this picture! This is Tess, the daughter of my friend Carrie! See the little guy in the background- that's Grayson, my friend Heather's little one. Christopher and Grayson are going to be pool buddies this summer.
We had to leave in time to make it home for the Notre Dame game.... 


Christopher loves his Uncle Anthony (and his nose).
And that was our Saturday. Christopher is sound asleep (and planning on sleeping til like 8 tomorrow) and Matt and I are watching the Yankees game.
I know you want to see all the picture highlights from the week so here ya go (I warned yall on the length of this!)

Matt is trying to show Christopher how to crawl.

Just some giggles.

I know, we are so stupid, but you can never be too young to start!
And because you read and looked patiently- here is a sneak peek of my little lobster! I can't wait to see him in his whole costume!! :)
I am hoping Matt will wear a chef's hat. :)
And that'si it! Christopher turns 6 months on Wednesday so I will be back then to show you his 6 month picture and his newest stats!