Saturday, June 8, 2013

Busy Bee

Christopher is in to EVERYTHING and talk about INDEPENDENT. I am lucky he will even let me carry him down the stairs. Now he wants to walk up the stairs. He has figured out that he doesn't have to just put his knee on the stairs, he can actually put his whole foot. I think maybe he has grown a little bit too because he can climb pretty easily onto almost everything and he also thinks he should be able to climb in everything. We keep the wagon in the house and he thinks it is a jungle gym. The truck Anthony got him- well one door opens but if he isn't on that side then he tries to climb in through the window. I bought him a water table... and he keeps swinging up his leg trying to get into it. He certainly has kept us on our toes lately!

And on to the pictures from our busy couple of days!

Busted! Christopher has just been sitting in the back of his truck a lot lately... but when I looked over yesterday he was standing in the cup holders. This child has no fear. (Well, except sitting on horses. I will explain later.)

Trying to wake up Stroonz from his nap.

Christopher was having the best time posing for his pictures during lunch! What was even better was showing him all of the pictures. He certainly thought they were funny!

Stop, Mom, stop!

When Christopher was born, Matt's dad- AKA Big Daddy- bought Christopher a cowboy hat. We were playing in his room the other day and he walked over to it and started putting it on. He has gotten used to hats a little more since he has to wear one at the pool (you know, the whole no hair thing) so his head doesn't burn.
This is when Christopher could fit IN the hat....

And now we wear the hat. It actually fits his head perfectly. Remember he has a really large head.

Howdy, partner!

Here is a video of Christopher taking the hat on and off!

I thought he was just loving on his stuffed animals...

but then he came over and was squeezing it! Look at that face!

Matt and I headed downtown Friday night for a wedding! It was sooooo fun! I finally got the chance to let loose with some of my crazy friends!! We had Ms. Jeanne's daughter come over and babysit. I think they had a great time!! :) Then, Matt let me sleep in til 7:30 this morning which made it even better. :) (Is 7:30 really sleeping in? I guess now it is!) Somehow I got up and made it for my 9:00 workout. It's amazing how sweating can make you feel 10 times better! Plus, I figured if I want the dress I wore to keep fitting, I couldn't skip it!

Here is our family shot. Facebookers- You have seen this one! Matt says he was just looking at the TV because the phone rang and he wanted to see who was calling.

My friends! Carmon looked so pretty!

Today we went to a birthday party for one of Christopher's friends from daycare. He had an "E-I-E-I-O" party with a petting zoo. I was so surprised that I got inside the pen. I only touched the rabbits though and poked at a feather. Christopher, on the other hand, was very hands on. I have a bunch of pics below of him touching the goats.

Peering in!

So we are not fans of horses apparently..... He didn't mind petting this horse, but freaked as soon as Matt put him on. Then we went inside and they had one of those plastic horses you can sit on and it bounces- HOLY SCREAM the moment his butt touched it.

Christopher had a great time at the party! Thank you for inviting us, Heather!! :)

Granddaddy retires on Friday!!!! Hopefully, he will come spend lots of time with us next school year!! :) :)
21 days til VA! 

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