Thursday, July 24, 2014

Forgotten Pictures

I was going through Matt's pictures the other day and there were quite a few I had not shared... or at least I don't think I have. If so, forgive me (and just enjoy them again)!

Golfing at Cobblestone. Christopher isn't the quietest little person so being on a golf course was a little stressful. There were about 5 men there enjoying their evenings and Matt says... I'm sure we aren't bothering them. They probably have kids.  Then, 5 seconds later, he finishes by saying... They probably came here for some peace and quiet huh? Yes. :)

Christopher's terrible hiding place. He's not the best hider.

Everyone takes themed books when they go on trips right? I went through all of Christopher's books and picked out every beach themed book to take. I think this one was his favorite- Smile, Pout Pout Fish. The fish in the story goes through different emotions and Christopher would imitate the faces with the new emotions.

The Mexican restaurant at the beach had these little people outside. We told Christopher to put his arm around it for a picture. :)

The boys working on their tans.

Matt has been taking Christopher to the playground at the elementary school to play. It is definitely not made for a 2 year old. Matt has shown me some videos of Christopher at it so I went with them last week. Oh my gosh- I cannot believe the "no fear" attitude. I could never take him by himself. I would be a nervous wreck. He got into this spinny thing and went around and around and then climbed out.. tottered, tottered and fell right over from being dizzy (which he thought was the greatest thing ever!). 

And this is what happens when your potty training child yells "I have to go potty" and runs to the stairs. Burnt grilled cheese.

Christopher ws drinking milk out of a real cup and he had the best milk mustache. Not sure if you can see too great in this picture but it was super cute.

And that's it! Just a few pictures to share!
Christopher is spending the day and night with Granddaddy and Nana tomorrow because Matt and I are going to a concert and staying downtown. I am sure he will have so much fun! And then he finally gets to go to a ballgame on Saturday! I'll be back to blog about that! Have a great weekend!
Be kind.

1 comment:

  1. I ran across your blog post and just wanted to let you know that the picture of your son with "Smile, Pout-Pout Fish" made *me* smile!

    Best Fishes to you and your family!
    Debbie Diesen (author of The Pout-Pout Fish)
