Monday, October 13, 2014

Pictures Galore...

Oh yes... lots and lots and lots of pictures. The last day I posted was September 23rd... that's quite a long time. In that time, we have done A LOT. The highlights are probably Christopher running in his second race and our weekend at the cabin. Enjoy the pictures and the explanations :) (And I apologize for the crummy pictures. I have no clue what it is going on with the picture quality!)
Granddaddy bought Christopher the "real Buzz" and Christopher loves him and Woody. They go everywhere with us.

We went and hung out with the Miller family... and they have girls. Hence, the pink tricycle.

We went to Touch a Truck after Christopher's race. He loved getting up inside all of the trucks. He always talks about getting on a school bus so I thought for sure that would be his favorite, but he wasn't even interested in it when we got there!

Christopher came and ran in the Wellness Run with me at my school. He did so good! He ran 4 laps around which is about 2/3 of a mile! So proud of him!!

Playing with Nana at her playground.
You know I had to get Christopher a Derek Jeter shirt! When you ask him what he wants to be for Halloween- he says.... a pitcher!!! I tried realllllly hard to find a toddler Andy Pettite shirt or even Jon Smoltz but those were not available- so now he is just going to be a baseball player. He is going to look so cute in his Yankees jersey and baseball pants!

Christopher went to the cabin a day early! Nana sent this to me while I was back home working! Everyone went to the cabin- The Rogers Family, Anthony and Sara, Nana and Granddaddy, and Big Daddy even flew in from Texas. It was a fun and very relaxing weekend! Christopher loved playing with Camryn and Brandon and he had the whole wrap around deck to run around and around and around on. He went fishing in the river behind the house and played lots of cars!

This is Christopher telling me- no more pictures! :)

Take your eyes off of Uncle Anthony and smile for the picture!!!! I took lots.. this was the best one.

Christopher got to feed the deer. They are quite snooty deer. Bama (the deer) didn't like Granny Smith apples so then we cut up some red apples... come to find out, they weren't rotten enough!

Christopher had no fear!

Talk about being spent! Christopher was soooo tired after the trip.
Christopher and I went to watch one of my students play football and they had a petting zoo at the field!

Christopher and Woody getting their haircut!

Dinner for Camryn's birthday.
We painted pumpkins this year instead of carving them. Christopher had lots of fun!

Stretching with daddy before his race.

Family run!

We all know he is number one!

Having fun with Mommy! :) (well, you could call this- "we are all the way at the other end of the culdesac, mommy wants to go home, and doesn't want to listen to a fit.")
And two videos...
And that's all I got! Matt is home from work today so it's time to hang out!! :)
Be kind.

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