Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Like Riding a Bike

This has been our saying for the past few days.
We were trying to decide which car to put Christopher's car seat in- mom's or dad's. Mom has an automatic, dad a stick. Mom has a car, dad has an SUV. My choice was dad's, Matt was hesitant because it was stick and he doesn't know how to drive stick. I said... "Well, I do. I just haven't done it in awhile, but it'll come back to me. It's like riding a bike." To which Matt replied... "I have never seen you ride a bike." True. The car seat went in mom's car. (But I would like to point out that I did drive dad's car to the gym and it was like riding a bike.)
We went to see my friend Katie's baby. I said... "Yea... I don't think I can hold the baby. I'm not good at holding babies." But I did hold him- DEFINITELY NOT like riding a bike. I didn't even know what to do. His head was bobbing all around. I'm not quite sure how I managed with Christopher. We should all be thankful his head is still on.
And on to the pictures!
Chowing down on some toast and banana! Christopher is a champ with his finger food. About a month ago I blogged that I was trying some different things out with him and he liked some, but not too many. Now, he eats basically anything you put in front of him. His favorite is grilled cheese. He tried meatballs while we were here and mom made him linguine and he loved both! I think it may have been the Ragu that I used that he didn't like when I tried to give him pasta. And he now takes lunch meat to have at daycare too!

Here are Amy and her little girl Lylah with Christopher! Amy reads the blog on the regular so she always knows the latest with him.

We went to see mom at work on Friday. This was in the car there. I am not sure if Christopher smiled at anyone while we were there. He stared at everyone and took it all in.

Saturday we went to see my friend Katie in Richmond. We left early in the morning so that we would be back around lunchtime to be sure that we would avoid the snow! Christopher fell asleep on the way there and on the way home.

Here is the little baby that we went to meet! His name is Scott. He was so cute. Mom held him pretty much the whole time. Do you see the creepster in the background? hahaha
This is my friend Lindsay and her little girl Harper. Christopher really liked Lindsay. He crawled right over to her and up her leg.... Then started pulling on Harper's shirt.
The girls (plus the little boys).
 Me and Christopher. Scott and Katie. Lindsay and Harper.
Mrs. Neely came over to visit when we got back from Richmond! Christopher was showing off for her.

Mom made him a little snowball and he immediately stuck it in his mouth. His face was hilarious! Mega cold I am sure!
Bad mama forgot the stroller. But thankfully the mall has this really cool stroller you can rent. Gross. I wiped it down three times before Christopher was allowed to get into it.
And here are a few videos that I took of Christopher and Granddaddy crawling...


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