Saturday, November 24, 2012

Nana's Notes

This is Christopher's Nana as the guest blogger for today. We have had a wonderful 4 days spending time with Christopher, Matt, Angie, Anthony and Kate!!!! There is nothing better than spending time with family. Although we didn't plan anything special, every minute was special to us. I can't believe how big Christopher has gotten and how much he has changed in a month. He is such a happy baby due to the love that his parents constantly give to him.

Christopher loves to hear himself "talk"! His talk is more like a squeal, but sure makes us laugh. He is a very good eater! We tried some banana-apple puffs, but his mom is very concerned so we had to break them into little pieces so small they just stuck to his hand. It won't be long until he will be eating them whole! Angie tried giving him a contraption that looks like a pacifier made out of mesh material. We put a piece of banana inside it and Christopher loved sucking on the banana. He had it all over his mouth, but kept him entertained while the rest of us had breakfast.

This is Christopher playing with his workbench. He hasn't figured out that it is too big to put in his mouth. The hammer and saw do work nicely, though.

 As you can tell from the pictures, we spent yesterday decorating for Christmas. Christopher loved seeing the tree all lit up when he was finished napping. Here he is being entertained by Cousin Kate and Uncle Anthony. Christopher loves playing with them both.
 One of Matt's co-workers was nice enough to give them some toys that their son had outgrown. Christopher loves the Christmas train. It comes with a reindeer, Santa and an elf that can be removed. Christopher immediately went for the reindeer and literally ripped him off of the train. Matt and I laughed at how aggressive he was!
 Here I am feeding Christopher his dinner. How yummy was the rice cereal mixed with veggies! He sure scarfed them down. He is looking for Rocco-making sure Rocco didn't get any.
We bought him two sippy cups with straws. Although the cups kept him happy as he chewed the straws, he prefers the "regular" sippy cups. As you can tell, Christopher has nothing to play with as we eat.
 The next two pictures are of Christopher's bathroom. The "One fish, two fish" stickers are from his Aunt Nancy. She picked them up at Universal Studios at Orlando in August. After having the bathroom painted light blue, we put the stickers up today. It really looks good! Christopher let us know that he loved it by squealing delightfully when he entered. The shower curtain Angie ordered is on the way! They quit making the "One fish, two fish" one so instead she got the Cat in the Hat in a bathtub. It looked adorable! I can't wait to see it when she hangs it up.
I can't believe that our time here is over!! We will be back in a month, but that seems like a long time! By then we'll probably be telling about him crawling (right now he scoots backwards very well) and having two teeth.
It has been my great privilege to write this blog and I hope you have enjoyed it. Tune in for Matt's blog with a very funny clip of Christopher!!!

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