Friday, May 11, 2012


This is something I say to Matt when he asks me to do something that I don't want to do. It's like when someone asks you to do something that you really don't want to do, so you make up some lame excuse so you don't feel bad stating...I JUST DON'T WANT TO. Luckily, you don't have to do that with your spouse. You can simply state- I. DON'T. WANT. TO. and they still have to love you anyway. Well, if Christopher could have spoken last night- those would have been his exact words- no excuses necessary. We have a great nighttime routine-
Matt comes home and changes.
I hand off Christopher and make dinner.
We eat.
I shower.
Christopher gets a bath.
He eats.
Christopher cuddles with Matt.
At 9, I go to bed.
The end.
That was not happening last night. Christopher was sooooo fussy. He has been fussier lately than normal. WHAT IS IT??? I am ready to be able to understand his different cries. After changing his diaper, putting pressure on his tummy, feeding him a little more, walking around patting his behind... I took him upstairs at 9:30. Well, HE. DIDN'T. WANT. TO..... go to sleep. He has been fighting sleep like crazy this week.  After 45 minutes of straight fussing, I finally took him upstairs and rocked him in his glider and he calmed down- I handed him over to Matt and within 10 minutes he was asleep.

The fussiness sure is worth it though when you peek over and see this in the morning.

The park wore him out yesterday afternoon! We walked 2 miles.

Stacy and Emerson brought Christopher his first Mickey straight from Disney!

Our book of the day- that I read to him to get him to fall asleep for a morning snooze.

Finally finished my Pinterest project!! Just had to add the clothespins!

That's it for now!!
Have a blessed day!

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