Saturday, December 6, 2014

The 25 Days of Christopher-Day 6

For once Christopher actually wanted ME this morning when he woke up. He was calling for Daddy but when I walked in, he didn't push past me to go see him. Instead Christopher and I laid in his bed and looked at the stars on his ceiling. He looked at me and said "This is fun, mommy. This is fun on a Wednesday." Good try Christopher, but it's thank goodness- it is Saturday. After awhile Christopher went to get Matt to join us and came back with a menu and asked me to order him pizza. What a random morning it was.
Peace, Love and Pizza at 7 in the morning.. why not!

We had Breakfast with Santa at my school this morning, so we took him up there. Christopher has had no interest in seeing Santa or sitting on his lap. He has been asked and every time he says no, so I wasn't really banking on any lap time for him. When we first got there, he just kinda looked at Santa while in my arms, but as the minutes ticked by and he saw other kids up there, he became quite curious. He went up about 3 times, getting closer and closer until finally I heard "I want a green car." Matt got a great picture of him telling Santa what he wanted...
See the finger on the right hand. It likes to point when he means business.
And Santa convinced him to come up on his lap.
There weren't that many kids there so Christopher kinda had free reign over Santa time. Once he felt comfortable, he kept going up there and each time he would come back telling us that he asked Santa for a green car for him... and then a black car for mommy and a new car for daddy too!
Christopher was loving the chocolate sprinkled doughnuts! He loved listening to the kids singing too, but after song 4 he turned and said "I want to go home now." Thankfully they ended with "We wish you a Merry Christmas" which he knows so he was able to sing along!
We headed to Miss L's a little while later. Christopher took her a poinsetta for Christmas and Miss L had a surprise for him there too! She bought a giant remote control minion! Christopher was eating lunch in the back at the kid table and Matt and I were all the way at the front. She set the minion on the other side of the table and they sat together and ate lunch. We also learned while there that Christopher is not a candy cane fan. Miss L gave him a brownie with candy cane bits on it.. to which he took a bite and said to her "I not like that. I want that."... which of course "that" was a candy cane and we tried to explain to him that it was the same thing... but he had to find out for himself. :)
Daddy and Uncle are taking in a concert in downtown so Christopher spent the evening at Nana and Granddaddy's.

Christopher was helping Nana with the leaky faucet.

And of course we brought our book over!

Tonight's book was Let it Snow!
Hope everyone has a happy Sunday!
Be kind. 


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